The Book Of (P)roper ExcusesAn old PBA favourite here, the book of proper excuses is a place where you can come and post the excuses propers are always making. Then you can rate the excuses that have been made. Those with ratings of 3 or above will be the ones which appear randomly on the front page. The rest of them will be left to suffer until their rating improves. So, think up some good excuses, and get your name in lights, or maybe just not very commonly seen pixels. hmm. oh well. You have to be logged in to post a new excuse...To rate an excuse, click on the star you want to give it. Due to the maths, you might not be able to see the change your ratings made, but it has made a difference, I assure you :D If you've accidentally submitted it twice, click on "delete" by your excuse to remove it.
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ShoutMeUpXmas Greetings from waka waka waka waka
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Date: 13.02.25. |
Your Comments: (show all 283 comments)
you're a cat going thru the grater!
[09.09.07 07:53 PM]
[09.09.07 07:53 PM]
dont refresh the page^^
[21.09.07 04:21 PM]
rioter stole one of my best excuses >.<
[28.11.07 05:58 PM]
[20.01.08 04:38 PM]
rioter is someone i know tell him to stop changin his name
[20.01.08 09:29 PM]
Pac-Man is a dumb who was banned because he spammed everywhere in BTP. Also his ratings were crap (like his excuses)
[29.05.08 09:26 PM]
[19.06.08 12:25 PM]
[19.06.08 05:52 PM]
Lol, MilesPrower. What a cunt.
[16.10.09 05:45 AM]