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[]Imperial Scum
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User Rating: 10
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Country: United Kingdom United Kingdom

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Forum Stats
Posts Made: 3
Posts Per Day (since first): 0
Posts Per Week: 0
Predicted Days 'till Blueness: 2544012
Threads posted: 1
Spam Rating: 0% (%age of spammy posts since spam count implemented)
Overall post rating: 0
Money: £13
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Average excuse rating: 0
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Signup Date: Unknown
Hits: 71
Words Associated: 0
Last active: 11020746 minutes ago (that's 7653.296 days)
Last Location: Viewing Thread
User Startpage: View StartPage (plain)

Last 5 Forum Posts:

Tuesday, October 14th, 2003 - 10:09:06 PM
In thread: Shoppa Training
On forum: BlameTheGeneralDiscussion
Great thanks, looks really good. Just some advice for you, put your above message next to the area where you can download the file ;)...
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Tuesday, October 14th, 2003 - 08:41:42 PM
In thread: Tunnel Fly
On forum: BlameTheGeneralDiscussion
Very nice...
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Tuesday, October 14th, 2003 - 08:39:55 PM
In thread: Shoppa Training
On forum: BlameTheGeneralDiscussion
Which folder do I put the Shoppa Training mission made by ReadMe in?? thanks Imperial Scum...
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Xmas Greetings from waka waka waka waka []Unvalidated EmailChristmasRiddle MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! []Spleet Except for Spleet. []TheAbdBoy Always bummin' a brother out. []Spleet Happy New Year everyone! But Spleet. []TheAbdBoy

Word Association


-10 Ago-

MiddleEastern []AlphaWolf camel [S]Bloopy toe []TheAbdBoy moose knuckle [S]Bloopy MeatLoaf []Spleet IdDoAnything4Lo ve []AlphaWolf rub n tug []TheAbdBoy tugboat []The Pope rope [S]Bloopy race []TheAbdBoy


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