
Old Polls

Shown below are all of the old polls from BTP, and the results from them, most recent shown first

What was the newest Worms game you'd played before Worms Clan Wars came along?
Worms for Facebook: 000 (0/0%)
Worms Revolution: 000 (0/0%)
Worms Crazy Golf: 000 (0/0%)
Worms Battle Islands: 000 (0/0%)
Worms Reloaded: 444 (4/57%)
Other: 333 (3/43%)

Which pixel is the most annoying?
A dead/stuck pixel on your screen: 999 (9/38%)
A pixel in Worms: 444 (4/17%)
The pixel who answers questions on BTP and talks baloney on Twitter: 333 (3/13%)
A poxel in a 3D game: 222 (2/8%)
A pixel in real life - we're living in the Matrix: 666 (6/25%)

Are you going to buy Worms Reloaded?
Yes: 101010 (10/34%)
Only if it comes out on Mac: 111 (1/3%)
No: 888 (8/28%)
No, I already play Worms on Xbox, Playstation or Wii: 111 (1/3%)
No, Steam sucks concrete donkey balls: 999 (9/31%)

What is the opposite of an egg?
Mt. Everest: 666 (6/7%)
Chicken: 141414 (14/15%)
Bacon: 131313 (13/14%)
Coffin: 444 (4/4%)
Sperm: 232323 (23/25%)
Corpse: 666 (6/7%)
gge: 202020 (20/22%)
Cannibal: 666 (6/7%)

MilesPrower asks: Do you still use floppies?
No, if it's floppy it's useless!: 181818 (18/34%)
Yes, but I prefer hard disks.: 999 (9/17%)
Yes, for some reason I really enjoy floppy.: 333 (3/6%)
Only if a girl wants me to.: 232323 (23/43%)

Who makes the shittiest BEST polls?
Bloopy: 444 (4/14%)
Pioneer322: 666 (6/21%)
ZoGgEr!: 222 (2/7%)
I'm so noob I can't even tell who made which.: 121212 (12/41%)
ReadMe: 555 (5/17%)

What is the answer to this Question?
the second option: 777 (7/15%)
the fourth option: 777 (7/15%)
the first option: 212121 (21/45%)
the third option: 121212 (12/26%)

If you could have one of these super powers, which would you choose?
absolute knowledge: 151515 (15/14%)
bend like rubber: 000 (0/0%)
breathe underwater: 222 (2/2%)
cast objects out of thin air/clone objects: 777 (7/7%)
control time/move at the speed of light: 232323 (23/22%)
fly: 666 (6/6%)
immortality/invincibility: 111111 (11/10%)
invisibility: 141414 (14/13%)
metamorphosis: 555 (5/5%)
psychic influence/hear people's thoughts: 121212 (12/11%)
psychokinesis: 333 (3/3%)
self-healing: 111 (1/1%)
shoot webs from your hands: 222 (2/2%)
shoot laser beams from your mouth: 222 (2/2%)
shrink/expand things or yourself: 222 (2/2%)
super strength: 000 (0/0%)

Do you use the BTP shout box as just another place to play word association?
No: 191919 (19/48%)
Yes: 444 (4/10%)
LOL SUP BTP WHATS GOIN ON/1?!!: 171717 (17/43%)

Who is the prime minister of the UK?
Tony Blair: 121212 (12/28%)
Gordon Brown: 171717 (17/40%)
Gordon Freeman: 141414 (14/33%)

When will W:A v4.0 be released?
A few weeks: 333 (3/8%)
A few months: 888 (8/21%)
A few years: 101010 (10/26%)
Time is an abstract concept that doesn't actually exist: 171717 (17/45%)

Most epic failure in the history of BTP users?
CousCous22: 444 (4/0%)
SegaSonic: 333 (3/0%)
SargeTron: 555 (5/0%)
ThingeoX: 222 (2/0%)
Kyle: 222 (2/0%)
C1: 148673411486734114867341 (14867341/100%)

How often do you visit BTP?
More than once a day: 353535 (35/29%)
Once a day: 171717 (17/14%)
Once/few times a week: 424242 (42/34%)
Once a month: 141414 (14/11%)
Once every century: 141414 (14/11%)

Should polls be slightly less offensive?
Yes kind sir, I do believe that they should: 191919 (19/36%)
Insert offensive no answer: 212121 (21/40%)
I vote what spaz votes. Again.: 131313 (13/25%)

Should Hilary Clinton run for President?
Yes, I wangsterbate to her pics: 111 (1/20%)
No, she's a twat: 222 (2/40%)
Screw politics: 222 (2/40%)

Who will win Pimp of the Year award?
SPAZ: 131313 (13/68%)
TheAbdBoy: 666 (6/32%)

Do you still play Worms?
Yes, WA: 444444 (44/56%)
Yes, WWP: 202020 (20/26%)
Yes, W4/W3D: 111 (1/1%)
No: 111111 (11/14%)
No, I play runegay.: 222 (2/3%)

When did BTP become a 4chan memevan?
It hasn't: 777 (7/26%)
3.75 days ago: 111 (1/4%)
POOLS CLOSED: 888 (8/30%)

Did you get AIDS from these ads?
Yes: 222 (2/50%)
No: 111 (1/25%)
Pools closed: 111 (1/25%)

Do you own a cellular phone
Yes: 303030 (30/52%)
No: 555 (5/9%)
I own a bananaphone: 232323 (23/40%)

How much do you hate C1 now?
I'm gonna punch him in the face.: 181818 (18/31%)
More than usual: 232323 (23/40%)
Gonna stab him: 171717 (17/29%)

What would you put on toast?
Marmalade: 444 (4/6%)
Cheese!: 161616 (16/26%)
Jelly/Jam: 171717 (17/27%)
Margerine/butter: 181818 (18/29%)
Marmite (whatever that is): 777 (7/11%)

What do you think about George W. Bush?
Approve him: 777 (7/16%)
Disapprove him: 292929 (29/66%)
Don't know: 888 (8/18%)

Would it be a good idea to have Wormnet status bars on the homepage?
Yes: 252525 (25/100%)
No: 000 (0/0%)

Do you vote for whatever SPAZ votes for?
Yes: 222 (2/8%)
No: 141414 (14/54%)
I vote what SPAZ votes: 777 (7/27%)
I vote what TheAbdBoy votes: 333 (3/12%)

Favorite gametype?
Team17: 666 (6/9%)
BnG: 222 (2/3%)
Roper: 666 (6/9%)
Shopper: 272727 (27/40%)
Warmer: 222 (2/3%)
Fly-Shopper: 333 (3/4%)
Rope-Race: 101010 (10/15%)
CTF: 333 (3/4%)
BattleRace: 666 (6/9%)
Fort: 333 (3/4%)

Hell yeah: 383838 (38/81%)
Hell no: 999 (9/19%)

Which console would you prefer
Playstation 3: 252525 (25/42%)
Nintendo Revolution: 181818 (18/30%)
Xbox 360: 171717 (17/28%)

Which show is better?
The simpsons: 282828 (28/62%)
Family guy : 171717 (17/38%)

Coca-cola girls, or Pepsi girls?
Coca-cola: 888 (8/29%)
Pepsi: 202020 (20/71%)

Ninjas or Pirates?
Ninjas: 676767 (67/72%)
Pirates: 262626 (26/28%)

How do you spell that sound a cat makes?
miaow: 242424 (24/20%)
meow: 595959 (59/50%)
mraoggmmggg: 111111 (11/9%)
I vote for whatever option SPAZ votes for: 242424 (24/20%)

Who have/would you vote for in the UK general election?
Labour: 777 (7/14%)
Conservative: 333 (3/6%)
Liberal Democrats: 777 (7/14%)
Green Party: 444 (4/8%)
British National Party: 111 (1/2%)
Official Monster Raving Loony Party: 131313 (13/27%)
Other: 555 (5/10%)
Apathy Vote: 999 (9/18%)

Ok some of you might be too new to worms, but who is the most famous Wormer of all time in your opinion?
Annelid: 161616 (16/15%)
BadCereal: 000 (0/0%)
Bloopy: 383838 (38/36%)
Deadcode: 151515 (15/14%)
Dogma: 111111 (11/10%)
Garg0yle: 222 (2/2%)
Kiljaeden: 333 (3/3%)
MrBlacksgy: 000 (0/0%)
LordElectro: 222 (2/2%)
Nutter: 333 (3/3%)
...Other?: 171717 (17/16%)

Is ungood grammar you\'re pet peeve!
its despicable how could you even make this you're poll;: 212121 (21/60%)
no i think its cool? im being a rebel.: 555 (5/14%)
i dont know what your on about in my home we is just speaking: 999 (9/26%)

Did you get bored of the last poll question
yes: 131313 (13/93%)
no: 111 (1/7%)

Have you watched BTP TV?
Yes: 232323 (23/27%)
No: 626262 (62/73%)

Do you want the 'I <3 Firefox logo removed'
Yes: 343434 (34/67%)
No: 171717 (17/33%)

Are you liking all of these new features?
Yes: 313131 (31/78%)
No: 999 (9/23%)

What colour torso are you wearing at the moment?
Just whatever it gives me: 161616 (16/26%)
Blackish: 666 (6/10%)
Greenish: 777 (7/11%)
Orangeish: 111 (1/2%)
Gold!: 333 (3/5%)
LightBlueish: 333 (3/5%)
Brownish: 000 (0/0%)
BlueGreenyNavyBlueish: 111 (1/2%)
Something else: 101010 (10/16%)
Argh, the colours, my eyes!: 141414 (14/23%)

What colour underpants are you wearing at the moment?
green: 222 (2/2%)
blue: 292929 (29/27%)
yellow: 222 (2/2%)
red: 101010 (10/9%)
purple: 111 (1/1%)
orange: 111 (1/1%)
black: 171717 (17/16%)
white: 141414 (14/13%)
gray: 888 (8/7%)
pink: 111 (1/1%)
brown (hides the stains): 222 (2/2%)
not wearing any...: 202020 (20/19%)

Do you play worms?
yes: 121121121 (121/91%)
no: 121212 (12/9%)

How many portions of fruit do you eat per day?
None!: 282828 (28/24%)
One to Three: 575757 (57/50%)
Four to Six: 999 (9/8%)
Seven to Ten: 111 (1/1%)
More than ten!: 333 (3/3%)
Sorry, I'm a meatist.: 171717 (17/15%)

What Worms game do you play most often?
WA: 393939 (39/38%)
WWP: 606060 (60/58%)
W3D: 555 (5/5%)
W2: 000 (0/0%)
Other: 000 (0/0%)

About what time is it?
1:00: 666 (6/6%)
2:00: 444 (4/4%)
3:00: 777 (7/7%)
4:00: 111111 (11/12%)
5:00: 444 (4/4%)
6:00: 444 (4/4%)
7:00: 888 (8/8%)
8:00: 999 (9/9%)
9:00: 555 (5/5%)
10:00: 444 (4/4%)
11:00: 666 (6/6%)
12:00: 444 (4/4%)
time to change the poll: 232323 (23/24%)

Who is better?
Paddington Bear: 111111 (11/55%)
Rupert Bear: 999 (9/45%)

What's your favoruite use for a pixel?
Scapegoat: 888 (8/10%)
Ending sentences.: 131313 (13/16%)
Concatenating strings in php: 333 (3/4%)
Dots on your computer screen: 282828 (28/35%)
Dots on your TV: 101010 (10/13%)
Making your digital camera sound nerdy (omg 1.21gigapixels): 333 (3/4%)
Nothing, pixels give me nightmares: 151515 (15/19%)

Remove Money from BTP?
Yes: 414141 (41/48%)
No: 444444 (44/52%)

Which word best describes BlameThePixel?
Magnificent: 292929 (29/25%)
Wacky: 131313 (13/11%)
Spaghetti: 212121 (21/18%)
Schizophrenic: 181818 (18/16%)
Cheesey: 555 (5/4%)
Boggling: 222 (2/2%)
Wafflecrap: 131313 (13/11%)
Junkyard: 444 (4/3%)
Spamtopia: 555 (5/4%)
none of these: 666 (6/5%)

How many babies does it take to paint a wall?
depends on the size of the wall: 111111 (11/14%)
depends on the intelligence of the babies: 777 (7/9%)
Depends on how hard you throw them: 616161 (61/77%)

Have You Seen This?
Yeh, been there, done that: 444 (4/44%)
No, what is it?: 333 (3/33%)
I might've done. Well I do have the T-shirt.: 222 (2/22%)

Do you believe that ignorance is bliss?
Yes!: 202020 (20/29%)
No :-|: 101010 (10/14%)
Huh? What? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention: 404040 (40/57%)

Which important person do you prefer?
Tony Blair: 222 (2/3%)
George Bush: 777 (7/11%)
Mr. Blobby: 424242 (42/68%)
Anne Robinson: 111111 (11/18%)

Should I eat this?
Yes, It's fun watching you suffer!: 181818 (18/35%)
No, doesn't look nice.: 111111 (11/22%)
Meh, I don't care.: 222222 (22/43%)

What's your favorite letter in worms?
W: 212121 (21/27%)
O: 171717 (17/22%)
R: 131313 (13/16%)
M: 111111 (11/14%)
S: 171717 (17/22%)

Do you know any swiss people?
Yes, lots: 111 (1/3%)
One or two, but I think they're pretending.: 888 (8/20%)
Nope: 181818 (18/45%)
Where do Swiss people come from?: 131313 (13/33%)

What do you think of the chat?
Good: 212121 (21/45%)
Bad: 333 (3/6%)
Indifferent: 333 (3/6%)
I'm too lazy to click on the chat link: 202020 (20/43%)

Will you be buying from the BTP shop?
Yes: 555 (5/16%)
No: 121212 (12/38%)
We'll just see sometime, eh?: 151515 (15/47%)

How often should the poll be changed?
every day: 444 (4/17%)
2 days: 555 (5/21%)
3-6 days: 444 (4/17%)
every week or two: 777 (7/29%)
never!: 444 (4/17%)

Daddy or Chips?
Daddy: 333 (3/14%)
Chips: 191919 (19/86%)

Your Comments: (show all 28 comments)

[]SPAZ Said:
You missed a question mark from the latest poll you fools!
[10.12.05 12:21 PM]

[]RunT Said:
New poll (as suggested by Zippy)

Should RunT stop smoking to help MoH?
Yes or no?

[05.09.06 04:09 AM]

[]SouthX Said:
Hmm... This poll... 'Tis getting boring. o:
[23.06.07 04:36 AM]

[S]Bloopy Said:
[img] .jpg[/img]
[09.07.07 04:20 AM]

[]SouthX Said:
[20.07.07 07:21 AM]

[]SouthX Said:
[20.07.07 07:21 AM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
muuuuh funny questions. :D
[07.09.07 02:21 PM]

[]SouthX Said:
stfu you ruined the moment >_< xD
[08.09.07 02:45 AM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
[05.11.07 11:12 PM]

[]SouthX Said:
[25.05.08 09:38 AM]

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[11 Queries, Page Loaded in 1.047567 Seconds]


Xmas Greetings from waka waka waka waka []Unvalidated EmailChristmasRiddle MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! []Spleet Except for Spleet. []TheAbdBoy Always bummin' a brother out. []Spleet Happy New Year everyone! But Spleet. []TheAbdBoy

Word Association


-10 Ago-

MiddleEastern []AlphaWolf camel [S]Bloopy toe []TheAbdBoy moose knuckle [S]Bloopy MeatLoaf []Spleet IdDoAnything4Lo ve []AlphaWolf rub n tug []TheAbdBoy tugboat []The Pope rope [S]Bloopy race []TheAbdBoy


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Member Stats

Date: 13.02.25.
Members: 4731.
Latest: []Unvalidated Emailsdsakldsaldklasdsdsa
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1 guest(s)

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Lots of people

Files: 3330

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