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Here are the 240 files that your search returned. If the number of files is greater than the given number per page, you can select which page you wish to view using the numbers above and below the table. You are currently viewing files 0 to 30 of 240.

Filetype specific notes
-Schemes are not cross compatible between games, and must be downloaded seperately for each one They are places in /user/schemes in W:A &WWP
-Flags & Graves are cross-compatible, place them in /user/flags or /user/graves. When you click the download link you will probably see a BMP alone in the window. Right click it and choose to save it to the appropriate directory
-Missions will only work on WWP, extract the mission file from inside the zip to /user/missions. If you do not have this folder, you should just be able to create it
-Programs vary in requirements from program to program, there is normally a readme inside the file that tells you exactly how to use it.
-W:A Game Recordings will only work on W:A, extract the zip to /user/Games, or probably wherever you like, and double click the file. You must have the W:A beta patch or greater to view these recordings. The basic idea is just to upload an interesting video of your moves, for example.

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Prev. Name Description Author Uploaded by Works with DLs B Download
-bna (Grave)
a bow and some arrows - Comments Hurz []Hurzdiburz [W:A][WWP]196 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.2 KB)
File PreviewRainbow Dash (Grave)
Rainbow Dash - Comments SpaceBandit []SpaceBandit [W:A]246 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.7 KB)
File PreviewDaft Punk Grave (Grave)
Daft punk grave, you can get the daft punk speech bank and then you will have a grave for it.P.S. works mostly with worms world party,W:A not tested - Comments kennyxcormick []Unvalidated Emailkennyxcormick [W:A][WWP]274 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
-SadMac Grave (Grave)
Mac never crash... What about it DIED (literraly)? - Comments MacOSX []MacOSX [W:A][WWP]289 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
-Kenny car (Grave)
A grave of kenny of south park rally. :D - Comments Ruben []Unvalidated EmailRuben [W:A][WWP]299 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewMario (Grave)
A grave of Mario on 3D. :) - Comments Ruben []Unvalidated EmailRuben [W:A][WWP]355 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewSir D. (Grave)
A skeleton of the game MediEvil. - Comments Ruben []Unvalidated EmailRuben [W:A][WWP]266 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewMario (Grave)
Super Mario Graveyard - Comments Jona-Man []Jona-Man 464 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewZ-Cola (Grave)
Now with more sodium. - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]384 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewWhite Holy Grenade (Grave)
Praise it. - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]410 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewU.S. Dollar (Grave)
Spend it wisely. - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]336 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewScubaWorm (Grave)
Deep sea. - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]356 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewSamus (Grave)
N/A - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]358 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewRistar (Grave)
N/A - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]355 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewPurple Drum (Grave)
N/A - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]350 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewMetalWorm (Grave)
Indestructible. - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]380 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewMegaman (Grave)
Megaman - 10000 pts - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]356 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewMad Donkey (Grave)
N/A - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]352 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewLakitu (Grave)
N/A - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]370 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewKungFu (Grave)
Hiya. - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]392 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewKirby (Grave)
<( ^_^ < ) - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]387 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewGoomba (Grave)
Jump on it. - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]312 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewGoldWorm (Grave)
14 carat. - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]413 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewFireWorm (Grave)
Hot stuff. - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]419 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewEyeball (Grave)
<o> - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]356 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewDevilWorm (Grave)
Old ugly grave. - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]377 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewCPU (Grave)
Windows 3.11 - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]402 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewPCX (Grave)
Beep. - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]315 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewBloody Worm (Grave)
<8( - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]431 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)
File PreviewUsed Block (Grave)
\ / - Comments Zippy []Zippy [W:A][WWP]352 [Download] [W:AsP] (1.8 KB)

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Your Comments: (show all 688 comments)

[]XTApocalypse Said:
Emailed the former to you.
[16.06.09 11:02 PM]

[]XTApocalypse Said:
Jesus fucking christ. People really seem to enjoy that Burger King fanfare.
[21.06.09 10:35 PM]

[]kellykel Said:
Where do you download mission.
[14.08.09 03:11 PM]

[]XTApocalypse Said:
So-called "isolated" soundbanks have been replaced with a single Sonic Battle soundbank. Enjoy.
[09.09.09 01:21 AM]

[]panick Said:
how to make your own flag & grave?
[03.12.09 08:30 PM]

[]coldvektor Said:
Two files were created by mistake. You have no need to upload them. They are the same. Please, delete if you can.
[23.03.10 11:15 AM]

[]Unvalidated EmailRuben Said:
This grave are fantastics,

[04.12.10 12:03 PM]

[]qarrpizz Said:
Every goddamn copy of SchemeWorks are infected with viruses.
[28.08.11 12:15 PM]

[]Pizzaking27 Said:
I'm uploading my own LEGO Island 2 soundbank!!!!!!!!!! !!
[04.10.11 07:54 PM]

[]Unvalidated Emailnadiya2000 Said:
Can you make Kirby soundbanks and upload it?
[01.02.12 04:45 AM]

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Xmas Greetings from waka waka waka waka []Unvalidated EmailChristmasRiddle MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! []Spleet Except for Spleet. []TheAbdBoy Always bummin' a brother out. []Spleet Happy New Year everyone! But Spleet. []TheAbdBoy

Word Association


-10 Ago-

MiddleEastern []AlphaWolf camel [S]Bloopy toe []TheAbdBoy moose knuckle [S]Bloopy MeatLoaf []Spleet IdDoAnything4Lo ve []AlphaWolf rub n tug []TheAbdBoy tugboat []The Pope rope [S]Bloopy race []TheAbdBoy


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