
Map Thief

A Program / Utility - By Annelid
Uploaded By Boric6

Description: This file was deleted and its good.Where is here justice!(Go see comments for instruction)
Works With: [WA] [WWP]

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File Rating: ( 30 rating(s) )
Date Uploaded: January 22, 2006
Times Downloaded: 2274

File Comments:

[]VIPer Said:
Author - Annelid! Just open up Map Thief, choose Worms Armageddon or Worms World Party (whichever you played the map you want to steal) and then give it a name and Steal it! If you don't know how to steal colour maps for WA, do what you normally do, but go to Saved Levels and right click the colour map (which has the .bit extension) and open with something like MSPaint. Then just save as .png and all will work. That or show extensions (go to tools up top of your folder and then find the option to show extensions) and just rename the .bit to .png. Another way of stealing WA maps is by going to WA/User/Games. Right click the replay and extract map. :P

[G]boric6 Said:
Thanks for nameing author.

[]Unvalidated EmailJuancri Said:
Nice, I used it and it works, I think on the 2nd version (if you ever do another one) you could put a history bottom & search another maps you played on another days, now just to steal the last map, but the program is very good.

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