
FictoLeague Played Games

Okay, I feel I should stop copying WebLeague now, and stop putting the word league in italics. Below are all the games in FictoLeague, Including who won, lost and voted.

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Total games: 20302. Games 1-50
Winner Loser Gametype Voter
1 - Bullseye Wolfey Pro TheAbdBoy
2 - DarkOne OPTiSSiMUS BattleRace Zippy
3 - UnderStreet royal5927 Fort Zippy
4 - xKingx JON Pro Domingo
5 - Shirdel Star Worms Roper AlphaWolf
6 - B!G B!LLY INGMAN Fort AlphaWolf
7 - Falkra Dingbats Fort AlphaWolf
8 - Domingo clarkey252 BnG Zippy
9 - Jackbob FutureWarrior BattleRace TheKax
10 - Falkra TheAngelofPixels BattleRace AlphaWolf
11 - belle3100 B!G B!LLY RopeRace AlphaWolf
12 - HarrY Monk_Worm BnG AlphaWolf
13 - Wolfey Dingbats Team17 AlphaWolf
14 - kikumbob bob Fort AlphaWolf
15 - -=Spriral=- YBY Fort AlphaWolf
16 - INGMAN AkuTube Team17 AlphaWolf
17 - X-ZERO-X Quasi Qubit BnG AlphaWolf
18 - Wolfey TheAngelofPixels BnG AlphaWolf
19 - XxPYRO!xX Pilki-AKA-Gollum Pro AlphaWolf
20 - clarkey252 X-ZERO-X Shopper AlphaWolf
21 - Falkra potato Pro AlphaWolf
22 - XxPYRO!xX JON Shopper AlphaWolf
23 - Zippy Wolfey RopeRace AlphaWolf
24 - Matt PcJunky Shopper AlphaWolf
25 - Squelchymcphee INGMAN Roper AlphaWolf
26 - SEMISKROOD crazyfrog123 BnG AlphaWolf
27 - MilesPrower Monk_Worm Roper AlphaWolf
28 - Wolfey Sal0k1n Roper AlphaWolf
29 - xRaPxShadey Axu285 RopeRace AlphaWolf
30 - Retro xRyAnx RopeRace AlphaWolf
31 - Psymon Retro Pro AlphaWolf
32 - Jackbob Monk_Worm Shopper AlphaWolf
33 - Rioter Matt Shopper AlphaWolf
34 - Wolfey Shirdel BattleRace AlphaWolf
35 - HarrY triforce1215 BattleRace AlphaWolf
36 - fuiol Cell l3lock Fort AlphaWolf
37 - B!G B!LLY Purewormowns Shopper AlphaWolf
38 - Squelchymcphee SEMISKROOD Shopper AlphaWolf
39 - ThexDarksider juhis Fort AlphaWolf
40 - MilesPrower Shirdel RopeRace AlphaWolf
41 - Atomic52 triforce1215 Roper AlphaWolf
42 - TheAngelofPixels Pilki-AKA-Gollum Fort AlphaWolf
43 - belle3100 OPTiSSiMUS Shopper AlphaWolf
44 - HarrY Thnikkaman Fort AlphaWolf
45 - TheAngelofPixels YBY RopeRace AlphaWolf
46 - Zr40 INGMAN BattleRace AlphaWolf
47 - Arcade DeathBringer Team17 AlphaWolf
48 - crazyfrog123 Atomic52 Team17 AlphaWolf
49 - Bullseye Roy Shopper AlphaWolf
50 - DeathBringer belle3100 Shopper AlphaWolf

Your Comments: (show all 77 comments)

[]SouthX Said:
omg you are too crazy sometimes :D:D:D:P
[03.09.07 04:15 PM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
olllolollololoooolloo what diddu say?
[09.09.07 03:11 PM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
There was an error which contains an error from another error which was made by an error of an error of an error which contains an error from another error which was made by an error of an error of an error of an error of an error error error error error error............ spam <> maps
[09.09.07 03:12 PM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
[09.09.07 03:13 PM]

[]SouthX Said:
LOOL that was on the microsoft sam thing ;D
[09.09.07 06:35 PM]

[A]Anon Said:
[09.10.07 02:34 AM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
omg where is the "YOUR MUM FAILS"-guy?
[20.01.08 04:42 PM]

[]MilesPrower Said:
lol. I voted lots of games one after other!
[28.06.08 12:38 AM]

[]Unvalidated Emailnadiya2000 Said:
I want to play this game too! (But i don't have this game)
[01.02.12 10:26 AM]

[]Unvalidated Emailnadiya2000 Said:
Star Worms is a brave...
[01.02.12 10:27 AM]

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Xmas Greetings from waka waka waka waka []Unvalidated EmailChristmasRiddle MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! []Spleet Except for Spleet. []TheAbdBoy Always bummin' a brother out. []Spleet Happy New Year everyone! But Spleet. []TheAbdBoy

Word Association


-10 Ago-

MiddleEastern []AlphaWolf camel [S]Bloopy toe []TheAbdBoy moose knuckle [S]Bloopy MeatLoaf []Spleet IdDoAnything4Lo ve []AlphaWolf rub n tug []TheAbdBoy tugboat []The Pope rope [S]Bloopy race []TheAbdBoy


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Date: 27.02.25.
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