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Hello all you worm-a-holics out there. We've just created a fanlisting to show our support for one of the funnest games of all times, Worms! It's free for any Worms fan to join, and its around for your entertainment only :D We finished creating the overall layout and theme for the site and we'll soon be adding things like wallpapers, winamp skins, gravestone/flags, screenshots, and various other goodies over the next week or so. So if you are a fan of the Worms series, which i hope you all are, then show your support for the game and sign up! :p

Worms Fanlisting Site

We also have created a Team Fortress Classic Fanlisting that you can join. So far the TFC fanlisting has over 240 members and counting.
TFC Wh0r3s Fanlisting
#tfcwh0r3s @ gamesnet

28.09.03 19:39
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hey add Contra Clan. The link to it is
28.09.03 19:49
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hey, i treid to join and it said the page requested wasnt found...

any ideas?
29.09.03 02:44
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