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hmmm perhaps because it's newer...but for the time that w:a was made its better. plus it has less n00bs.
19.10.03 23:55
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it has less noobs cos pople who buy the game to play worms ( like me ) buy the latest version ( wwp ) cos its the newest one so far. Unless they are cheap skates and go buy WA cos its cheap lol
20.10.03 08:01
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no because u cant find w:a anywhere pretty much new so they buy a new one like u. So only ppl who've played the game a long time or found an old copy has it.

PS u just called urself a n00b
20.10.03 19:32
Post #33
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Not online within the last half an hour has w:a for a fiver with freee p&p :D
21.10.03 12:43
Post #34
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and so does virgin and game, wow yeah i know that but WWP IS THE NEWEST so they think it will obviously be better. god help me you people are thick
22.10.03 11:29
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Butt Cheek
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aaaaa what the heck?
I went to and got all excited about getting wa 4 5 'cause thats worth it just 2 see what its like. But they dont seem to ship to the US and is selling it for 50! what a rip off.

22.10.03 13:10
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[]The Pope
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£50 bloody! Thats a tremendous rip off. I would complain but i would gain nothing.

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22.10.03 15:52
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I think that's dollars so its not quite as bad as 50 pounds... still pretty bad though.

22.10.03 16:04
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[]The Pope
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around 37 pounds still. thats the asking price of a top game on release.

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22.10.03 16:14
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try ebay
24.10.03 18:20
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[]The Pope
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hmmm. 5.88 for road to rome and the originial game. not bad

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01.11.03 14:45
Post #41
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Custom Missions aren't used at all, really. WWP being updated will never be a priority, either :(

02.11.03 18:39
Post #42
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Butt Cheek
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:?what are u talking about:?
o i get it he's going off topic by getting back on tipic

02.11.03 23:57
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yes, maybe no,
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i got wa and wwp and i must say wa is alot better..

i mean all there ever is on wp is fuckin shoppers

they suck there may be 30 peeps on wwp and only 10 on wa but out of wwp 20 there will be like 2 good peeps who ca swing a rope were as wa all them 10 will be good and host non noob games

thats all ihave 2 say on this good bye:mrgreen:

10.12.03 16:55
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i have wwp and i msut say that there is a lot of n%bs on wn2. pcworld has w:a for a fiver in the sold out series. []Psymon$1considers getting w:a but then does not cause waste of money when i have wwp.

10.12.03 20:31
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