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I also noticed 'NetSettings' in win.ini. kind of interesting, you can check it out with msconfig.
28.09.03 17:00
Post #46
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well i've done it twice before but i usually cant do good instructions :P
28.09.03 17:45
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to open the registry editor.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
28.09.03 18:16
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hey i got there and everthing wrkd great untill i got on the game and it said there could only be alpha or numeric charectors.

28.09.03 21:34
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Quoted :: C1

well maybe u piss me off cause u get pissed off at me for being pissed at u and u piss me off cause u get pissed off at me for being pissed at u and u piss me off cause u get pissed off at me for being pissed at u and u piss me off cause u get pissed off at me for being pissed at u and u piss me off cause u get pissed off at me for being pissed at u and so on...
I think that's your best post ever C1 :lol:


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
28.09.03 21:48
Post #50
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Funny story about netsettings:

a few yrs ago i noticed it.
I noticed SwearFilter (or w/.e its really called)

I wrote a big ass program to let you change it on/off.

2 weeks later,, i discovered how to change it from wintin w:a.
29.09.03 01:23
Post #51
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hmmm well thats nice
u still havnt answered my question

29.09.03 01:36
Post #52
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haha CB[Whiz]; doesn't that suck how those kind of small things slip by you and you never notice them? for a little while (probably about like that 2 wks) i didnt think you could turn off the background music in WA, and i started playing more once I realized I could listen to my own music.
29.09.03 01:42
Post #53
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o is there? where are the files i need to get rid of /change. Cause i play my own music but i still here the bg music. and is there a way to turn off peoples voices on worms because i find that "kingdom of donkey" one the most anoying thing ive ever heard. So i have to mute my computer and then i hear the brisk sounds of the rope and i do poorly.
29.09.03 20:19
Post #54
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Someone posted a link to a site on here that would probably help you on turning off voices, C1.

You go into Options and turn off Ambience. That's the background music.
29.09.03 20:37
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