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By: L.T.B. (A.K.A.: CousCous22)

Dedicated to the Administrative of Blame The Pixel

Once upon a merry day
In a very happy place
There came an evil shadow Grey
A threat to the human race

Suddenly out of the darkness
There was a bright white flash
The darkness seemed to grow less
But then there was a very loud crash

Out of the sky fell creatures
Of a strange resemblance to dots
The proved to be Man-Eaters
And of men they ate a lot

As I sit here typing this
YouÂ’ll question my free time
But it is you that have required this
For destroying what was mine

The Pixels demons as they are self-proclaimed
Began a large invasion
And many innocent people were maimed
And so followed creation

As you sit here reading what I have wrote
You might question my maturity
But I assure that you will note
That neither you have purity

The Pixels claimed all of the things
On Earth beneath the Sun
Now songs people used to sing
Are forgotten 10 to none

I ask of you a simple request
Of which you may decide
Whether or not you think its best
To grant me na or nie

So I ask you one last time
Before my voice is put to rest
That the message in these rhymes
Was heard and put to best
31.03.03 03:31
Post #1
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y0 cous, u need to get laid,
or spend some time outside in the 3d world.... lame
31.03.03 03:33
Post #2
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you sicken me tEfLoN
31.03.03 03:54
Post #3
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Im too ILL
(edit) btw, im not the 1 recitin' poetry for pity(/edit)
31.03.03 04:01
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Im too ILL
(edit) btw, im not the 1 recitin' poetry for pity(/edit)



31.03.03 05:18
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that hurts, really...
Well u don't know me but nice try on the guess...
Im afraid your wrong tho...
31.03.03 05:32
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i thought it was good :)
26.04.03 07:37
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A poem dedicated to the stupidity of couscous LTB etc.

Once upon a time.
There lived a wormer named couscous
As you might see im having trouble making this rythme.
And when he was upon the site it was as if hell broke loose.

The polls he made
So many so bad,
As much as a giant cascade.
and everyone knows that he was extremely sad.

cous cous dear dear,
you got what you derserved,
learned not have an essence of fear.
But now you are an ass one would say,
And you will not be preserved.

lol, I couldn't think of enough rimes to get the whole point across or the story right but there you go! poems are easy!
26.04.03 19:16
Post #8
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