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Poll: how much money u got?
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3,000-lower 2 users
rich enough to be hated by most people 2 users
donate me money. 1 users
so poor that you have no meaning in the world. 0 users
unable to answer this poll because u got into the fact that your to old to be alive. 0 users
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by who? BURN HIM!
10.09.03 01:11
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how much was it?:?
10.09.03 01:13
Post #17
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i might make a 'Generosity option' that distributes ur money equally between all members on over the last 24/48/ hours or so

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
11.09.03 19:01
Post #18
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that would be the most fucked up thing ive ever heard. 1. me and pope deserve this money cause we are on btp like 25/7 and we see games play em and we won the money fair and square. 2. ppl on btp that come on for like 2 seconds and have 0.01 money would get like 400. We have split the money evenly. most ppl have about 1000 when they deserve it.
11.09.03 19:56
Post #19
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[]The Pope
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great explanation! ALl what he said and more:

What's the point of having money without people being allowed to be rich. I have done what you said, given money away. from 22K to 14K. I gave away 8k away! That's more than 3/4 of every member on BTP added up together.
You can't have poor without rich. It's something for people to aim for. They aim to beat our money amount. It's also not real.

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12.09.03 14:43
Post #20
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i gave much of my money away and then got taxed 50% :lol:
12.09.03 16:27
Post #21
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[]The Pope
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i think it was the other way around, u got taxed 50% then gave it away

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12.09.03 16:34
Post #22
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possiblily but who cares not me oh no not me

/me pushes hid death threats off of the table .

ps. look at my money shitz
12.09.03 16:39
Post #23
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[]The Pope
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yep, i recieved it lol

Learn to look, look to learn.
12.09.03 16:41
Post #24
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if u want wish ill donate some more..
12.09.03 20:14
Post #25
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