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Poll: Who should become Grave Keeper?
Meiapaul 0 users
C1 3 users
The Pope 5 users
TheAbdBoy 0 users
JOHN 0 users
Fiend 0 users
Rambo_6 1 users
bob 0 users
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[]The Pope
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JOHN. Now there is a name I haven't heard on here for ages. So since we haven't had any contact with him for around 2 months I'm pretty confident that he isn't going to be doing gravepacks unless he is working hard. So, Zog could you add to the poll which you think I haven't included and would like to do Grave Keeping. Then people can vote.

Or if you think I deserve a slap for my arrogant and stupid idea, then do so.

And don't vote for urself plz.

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06.09.03 18:17
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actually i talked to him 3 seconds ago. The answer to this was:
"I gave up"
"No one send any graves"
06.09.03 18:56
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[]The Pope
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that's because no one likes him

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06.09.03 18:58
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indeed. and his graves suck. also if no one sends find some
06.09.03 19:03
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Does every nominee want to be grave keeper?
06.09.03 20:06
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if i get some admin abilty...;)
06.09.03 20:07
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[]The Pope
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I just put up a poll of who ever I thought might want to do it. None of them, ecept C1 and me want to do it. Haven't asked anyone else. If someone who wasn't asked if they wanted to do it won then I would tell me and see.

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07.09.03 07:07
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[]JOHN certainly doesn't visit BTP as often as he said he was going to. I sent him 2 graves, maybe he didn't get them cuz he never replied.

I say make ThePope grave keeper :) I don't particularly want to be grave keeper, I'll take my name off the poll I guess. Why don't I want to be grave keeper? Because ThePope can do it better.


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I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
07.09.03 10:54
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[]The Pope
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heh. Thanks. Yeah JOHN, even if he was on mroe often probably wouldn't be that good. To justify my reason all you have to do is look at the graevs he ahs made so far.

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07.09.03 11:15
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that a blind man could do better. i dont even want to upload one of his graves its so shitty. but ya ill be a grave keeper. even without admin abilties :(
07.09.03 14:47
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[]The Pope
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2 votes for moi and 1 for ya

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07.09.03 15:14
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not like i care that much. if u want the work of sorting and stuff go and have it...but if i had the chance i would do it.
07.09.03 15:31
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Quoted :: The Pope

one of them, ecept C1 and me want to do it. Haven't asked anyone else.

how thoughtful of you....
08.09.03 16:29
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[]The Pope
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sorry, i forgot about you. I forget about ppl i havent spoken to in more than 2 days.

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08.09.03 16:37
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08.09.03 16:38
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