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maybe you can have special avaliable downloads for money?
or perhaps custom files can be made for money.
or even, every time a file is downloaded, money is accumalated. just some thoughts.. =D
02.09.03 07:54
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[]The Pope
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when u submit a file u get 3 pounds.

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02.09.03 08:03
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

So when you download a file you get money? Interesting...
02.09.03 09:26
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[]The Pope
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no, when u submit a file u get money. not when u download one. and u shouldnt have to pay to download or then some ppl wont be able to afford it.

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02.09.03 09:30
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

No,no, no. what i'm suggesting is that when you download a file you get money
02.09.03 09:52
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[]The Pope
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no, because u could download a file ova and ova again. bad idea!

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02.09.03 11:33
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but some extra cool stuff could requuire money to download.

like say a speshul scheme or map
02.09.03 11:53
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[]The Pope
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that would be elitist.

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02.09.03 12:27
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ye wot :? elitist! wtf is that
02.09.03 13:28
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

elitist? would you like to elaborate, pope?
02.09.03 13:38
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it would having only a certain mont of ppl baeing able to do stuff.

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02.09.03 14:13
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i say, GO FOR IT! about 100 for a decent proggy
02.09.03 18:22
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i have flash mx and psp8 cracks still on me. wanna pay for those
02.09.03 18:40
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[]The Pope
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i have fireowrks, flash dreamweaver mx, freehand 10, around 20 coding programs including php, html, loads of premade html codes for clocks and funny county things etc..., animations makers, auction programs and even more!

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02.09.03 20:06
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

are all the other coding programs on the same thing as flash and dreamweaver

An image!
04.09.03 08:52
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