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Poll: How should Poker be turned down?
A low-ish Maximum Stake 2 users
If you loose you loose double your stake 0 users
reduce winnings from big hands 1 users
Try and re-code it to make it harder (v difficult cos it's a game of chance) 0 users
Only let you play a few hands a week 1 users
Abstain 0 votes
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ya im getting ur money down cause of playing before in the other way and stuff.
30.08.03 20:38
Post #16
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I took 3k off you to shut C1 up, you also lent 1k to wishmaster, other than that - dont look at me.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
30.08.03 21:32
Post #17
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I never paid this whole 'money' thing too much mind before, but now it's pointless.
30.08.03 23:25
Post #18
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only cos ur losing :p

PS, if you dont have any money then just log out and you can play poker without losing your BTP money

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
30.08.03 23:55
Post #19
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[]The Pope
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ims till not getting negative numbers, just -0 pounds lost

Learn to look, look to learn.
31.08.03 05:55
Post #20
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u want ure grand back pope?

seeing as ure poor now :D

im not going to lose it all in poker.
that games evil.
31.08.03 08:34
Post #21
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[]The Pope
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i guess i cant haev it back since u just bought the house, u can give it backw ehn eva u want and it doesn't have to be in one big sum. U can pay in installments heh.

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31.08.03 09:31
Post #22
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yeah i bought a house so ill give it back when i can afford to :D
31.08.03 10:14
Post #23
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you no longer lose double your stake, if this proves a bad idea, i'll put it back on what it was.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
31.08.03 13:44
Post #24
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[]The Pope
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aaargh! i wish i had started betting before i lsot all me money. Say, C1 could i get that 2000 back?

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31.08.03 14:58
Post #25
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heheh, c1 hasnt got that much either
31.08.03 17:26
Post #26
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im poor aswell

stupid lose twice the stake
31.08.03 18:16
Post #27
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[]The Pope
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nvm, dont want it back now.

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31.08.03 20:16
Post #28
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heh 2000s a lot. And now i can buy the pet shop again! yays. And uh i want to donate money to my friend jaypker. He lost all his money in poker.
01.09.03 00:33
Post #29
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[]The Pope
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I'm winning loads! Change the settings ReadMe!

Learn to look, look to learn.
01.09.03 16:42
Post #30
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