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Poll: should there be a futurama house?
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there needs 2 be a futurama house! like the planet express bilding
28.08.03 23:15
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I don't see how that's pixel or worm related, but hey, I'd go for it.
29.08.03 00:14
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go copy a screen grab :D
29.08.03 04:13
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it would fit well on Pixelwood Boulevard, maybe you can get us the picture Pyro?


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I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
29.08.03 13:42
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who wants to edit out the streets and stuff, as well as make the house a bit redder? :D

ps: screen cap is from s01e02, the series has landed, about 5 min in.
29.08.03 16:51
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how much u want edited out?
PS why dont we have a downtown district. For houses that look "downtownie" and for pet shops and stuff.
29.08.03 16:55
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hmmm, kill the power line, but thats all now that i think of it.

Then make a "road" picture with water on one side and that futurama street in the middle :D
29.08.03 16:58
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u mean pretty much wat is therE? How about i just take out all the bg almost and make it transparent
29.08.03 17:23
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here im done the house...

An image!
29.08.03 17:50
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nice job, i was gonna do it but i was watching 'The Ring'

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29.08.03 19:04
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as for the not neing pixel or worm related.

i would like 2 know how that sad sad pathetic excuse for entertainyment sponge thing happens to be relayed :confusedsmileyofimpendingdoom:
29.08.03 19:04
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talking about smilies, they aren't transparent where they should be, they are (for me) orangey badckground and 2 are missing. booo! could some one look into that.

Learn to look, look to learn.
29.08.03 19:06
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ya i told that to readme but hes stuborn and doesnt wanna see it in ie for himself
29.08.03 19:17
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i believe you, but as i sed, it's cos they're all 27k PNGs, if you redo them as gifs then i'll fix it.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
29.08.03 20:04
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i did. Look above the one above it .gif
29.08.03 20:29
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