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Ok ppl i want ur rent fees. I know thats theres annelid that owes me and who ever else. The free ppl so far are Meiapaul, Pope (i think), Thor, Zogger(if he wants), Dumazz. And pyro doesnt have to pay this time ;)
28.08.03 22:27
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I think it should be automated. I know it says it's being worked on, but somehow I doubt it's on the top of the to-do list. If it wouldn't take too long, and I dont imagine it would, I think they should get that working (to make rent automatic).
29.08.03 00:16
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what do you mean its not being worked on?

if i told you the hours i spent just thinking about coding it... :D

yeah thats one of those things thatll come eventually
29.08.03 04:15
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but i dont really care. ppl usually get around to paying. But right now we need: Pet Shop! Money for Ghost Gunner and more!
29.08.03 06:57
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[]The Pope
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Roulette Wheel and Betting Shop with odds on football games or important events. And I can honestly confirm that i don't need to pay anything and I'll also chip in if a petshop needs to be bought.

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29.08.03 09:24
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k. If we cant be joint owners then ill just own it if thats alright. Also Readme made poker. Not done yet tho. I had a dream about it. It would be a really nice flash game.
29.08.03 16:39
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[]The Pope
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Sure we with teh owning of the petshop, poker ey? Sounds cool.

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29.08.03 19:05
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Perhaps we need a stock market. I want one stock in 'Pet Shop', please.
29.08.03 19:47
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? maybe another time. But for now no!
29.08.03 19:51
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well see that i just won more money then i can bare im giving away 1500 more! ;) 200 so slaya is free, 200 so zogger is free, 300 so annelid is free, and 500 for the rest. So that leaves 300. So now who wants 300?
29.08.03 23:02
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[]The Pope
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me and I answered first! This is what you could call, payment for the petshop. :D

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30.08.03 08:07
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split it between us :D
30.08.03 10:23
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[]The Pope
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and what is ur reasoning for that, ur rich from poker and me? not one cent has came my way from the best card game ever(exfept from snap. Snap rocks!).

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30.08.03 10:58
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you appear a tad richer than me! *gives c1 dirty looks*
30.08.03 17:46
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lol i am richer than you now by 5000 lol!

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30.08.03 17:56
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