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[]The Pope
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lol. think ill draw a dodo for future stock.

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03.09.03 17:57
Post #61
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or rare pets, like some one offs. heres a one off i *cough cough* made earier An image!
03.09.03 18:51
Post #62
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1. u didnt make it. 2. its not transparent or bg-y. 3. bloopy is making the bloopy. or theres no bloopy. or make a new one/
03.09.03 19:53
Post #63
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04.09.03 00:08
Post #64
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oh alright...seein all these poorly drawn animals got me in the mood to du what I du best: Draw poorly! Meet fish.
04.09.03 01:18
Post #65
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thats the worst pile of shit ive ever seen
04.09.03 02:07
Post #66
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:) nice quickness it back :)An image!
04.09.03 02:28
Post #67
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Well, then, I know SOMEONE who isnt getting to take my fish for a walk....:P
04.09.03 02:45
Post #68
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hes dead
04.09.03 02:46
Post #69
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He's not dead, his name's Flipper!
04.09.03 04:26
Post #70
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[]The Pope
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did you draw tat or copy the cat C1?

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04.09.03 07:19
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

no offense or anything, but those are some funny looking animals.

An image!
04.09.03 08:30
Post #72
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

haha funny, not strange funny. I'd gladly own any of these fine animals any day:D
04.09.03 08:34
Post #73
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[]The Pope
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Dunno if you like it or not. outta 5 stars how many?

Learn to look, look to learn.
04.09.03 09:06
Post #74
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

4 1/2 pope that looks better than any of the others that have been drawn

An image!
04.09.03 09:10
Post #75
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