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Messenger Service popups? You need a firewall.

Mozilla does block some good popups (I don't expect it to be perfect), but it's still good. is actually a good site to test if it's working.
02.09.03 15:28
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If it is messenger service pop ups, there is no need for a firewall. All you have to do is turn that service off. I kept mine on for a while... but the bastards... they're bastards, and they kept poppin up bastard bastardizations.
02.09.03 20:57
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I didn't say that a firewall was the only way to stop them, but if you're getting them it's still a sign that you should have a firewall.
02.09.03 21:16
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I'm not getting them through msn or anything and it doesn't matter i have the problem solved as i have said many times before. Stop-The-Pop-Up...

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03.09.03 07:06
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Messenger Service is a service ran in WinXP (not sure bout 2k) that runs like 'winpopup' in 9x. Advertisers send you advertisements over the internet that pop up on your computer, and the average user doesn't know where it's coming from.

not MSN.
03.09.03 17:35
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ya i have that. i get them once in awhile. cause i need my firewall off for worms so its off sometimes.
03.09.03 19:43
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