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[]The Pope
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Some things may not be as they should...

That's what I see at the top of the page. BTP has got fucked up since zog went.

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29.08.03 19:41
Post #31
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indeed. now all leave!
29.08.03 19:51
Post #32
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actually pope, that message comes n goes.

I made it that from an almost invisible word "backup" at the top left.

It simply means that btp had too many users, but it used the second conenction and everything turened out ok :D

it dissapears soon.

And BTP has not 'gotten fucked up since zogger left'!

I really do take offence to that, its not my fault.
29.08.03 21:04
Post #33
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ya but still fix my image cause the house isnt transparent in png so make it gif
29.08.03 21:09
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it IS transparent.

update your browser if you cant tell.
29.08.03 21:50
Post #35
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its ie 6. And pope agrees and those 2 are the only things
29.08.03 22:42
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when i say upgrade i didnt mean to a new version of IE :D
29.08.03 23:32
Post #37
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29.08.03 23:59
Post #38
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A. Its not memory, its hard disk space.
B. Its less then 50 MB (dont know how much)
C. Its not a waste
D. As a web site builder, you should see what your page looks like in other browsers and correct it.
E. Embrace Open Source. EMBRACE IT!
30.08.03 00:53
Post #39
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Quoted :: CBWhiz

D. As a web site builder, you should see what your page looks like in other browsers and correct it.
E. Embrace Open Source. EMBRACE IT!

Entirely true (not that the other points weren't). However, as a lazy son of a bitch, I choose to ignore these standards.
30.08.03 01:11
Post #40
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heh, ive done it too :D
30.08.03 02:50
Post #41
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[]The Pope
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fix my smilies!

Learn to look, look to learn.
30.08.03 08:15
Post #42
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they do work apart from surprized and wink, they are just very very very slow to load
30.08.03 08:51
Post #43
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[]The Pope
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no, i sent an updated, smaller kb size(around 1kb each now) and also tehy dotn have that crap transparency

Learn to look, look to learn.
30.08.03 10:00
Post #44
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o.0 ill go look.....
30.08.03 10:26
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