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So I'm doing this run for chartity, and this run consists of me running in my underwear. There is also a contest for best costume. Last year I could have won it if there wasn't a @#$%^&*ing age restriction. This year, there isn't an age restriction, and I need something awesomely cool that will get the attention of the ladies and the judges. So I thought, why not a tan tattoo?

I just need some ideas now. Bloopy recommended that The Pope could make me some kind of stencil that will go on my chest and burn into my skin. If Pope could kindly do that. Otherwise, something simple, yet awesome needs to be on my chest and not scare away the girls after this event is over. Any suggestions?

24.06.08 00:17
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

An image!

I would do it!
24.06.08 00:47
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[MP]MilesPrower says this:

lolage. can you imagine abd with a smiley face tattoo?

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I'm not the good person to blame
24.06.08 01:01
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Quoted :: MilesPrower

lolage. can you imagine abd with a smiley face tattoo?

Yes, it's very very easy to imagine. There's other things which would be better though.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
24.06.08 02:52
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

You could always go commando and have a tattoo of Bloopy's face on your ass. :P
How you could achieve his face as a tan tattoo, I don't know.
24.06.08 03:21
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I'm going to be wearing a cape, so my ass will be covered. Also it is kind of illegal to run without underwear...

Made a decision to go with the Superman logo type thing, except instead of an S, I'll have a U for ULTIMATE ALFRED.

24.06.08 03:41
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Is my assistance still needed, sire?

Learn to look, look to learn.
24.06.08 09:31
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[MP]MilesPrower says this:

Only an U? You can put U-A, maybe.

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I'm not the good person to blame
24.06.08 15:52
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24.06.08 19:41
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Thank you Spleet!
24.06.08 20:02
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[MP]MilesPrower says this:

LOL! Awesome! Could be rly funny

btw, I said UA for Ultimate Alfred

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24.06.08 20:03
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Quoted :: MilesPrower

Only an U? You can put U-A, maybe.

The event is called Underwear Affair. I don't want people to confuse Ultimate Alfred and that. Also, having just a U will get people to ask me what the "U" stands for.

Quoted :: Spleet

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Trying to get girls, not scare them away. Also too much detail in there, it'll take me ages to burn that into my skin.

If someone could take this and replace the S with a U, that would be perfect. My image editing skills are shitty. Also it would be nice if it was as big as that smiley thing.

25.06.08 00:28
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: Spleet

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Trying to get girls, not scare them away.

My gf thought it was "cute" :P
25.06.08 01:54
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[MP]MilesPrower says this:

lolage. Yeah... if you wanna do a false tattoo for cereals boxes.

btw, that was cheaper, the big tags instead the small tags

(5 edits?)

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I'm not the good person to blame
25.06.08 02:13
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An image!

30.06.08 01:36
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