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[]The Pope
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sorry, I just found UT2003 in my bag and have been playing it loads. The CD was hidden in one of my books and so I haven't been going onto BTP or MSN or AIM. So you want pets ey? And you want a pet shop ey? And you want another pub to be made ey? Well there is another one. Jolly Poxel. If ur selling Bloopys then the creator should draw them, bnut if ur selling animals, then I can draw a few.

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28.08.03 08:53
Post #31
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Quoted :: C1

no virtual pets. /me slaps Abdboy with some sense. We're making pets that arent like that. They dont move they dont attack. And i doubt they're alive. But ya. So its all copyrighted and such. ME AND POPE OWN ALL RIGHTS TO PET SHOP! And u'll be able to click on teh pet shop house in the town to access it...time to petness! PS pope get online more

OIIIIIIIIIIII it wasnt the pope it was MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME! Meiapaul= Me is paul with a typo xD
28.08.03 15:41
Post #32
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ya ok bloopy u can draw u. Also i made a REALLY weird pet in about 4 minutes wanna see?
28.08.03 17:10
Post #33
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[]The Pope
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yeah go on....

Learn to look, look to learn.
29.08.03 10:09
Post #34
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