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I have a grumpy younger brother who is addicted to MapleShit. He's a Junior High Student and he quit his job so he can play more MapleShit. Ever since he's been playing more MapleShit, he's become more and more grumpy. In fact, insane. If you call him for dinner or anything he won't come up. He talks about killing all the time. It turns out he wants to kill his family, since he threatens to kill us all the time.
I have even personally witnessed him cybersexing a male who is pretending to be a female in that game.
The game may have set him into some crazy bitch. So the question is:
How the fuck do I block MapleShit from the router?

I've already tried blocking ports 8484 - 8585. That didn't work.

I've already disabled his intershit connection during a certain timeframe so he doesn't play it all the time. But he goes onto another computer in the house and goes on internet sites thay have to do with MapleShit. So the other question is:
How the fuck do I restrict internet access to certain websites on the internets?


01.12.07 21:38
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hi abd this seems to be a real big problem!
its nice to hear you are taking care of your brother.

i sugest he is using some windows.

so what you could try to do is, get your self an admin account on his pc, with a password he wont sugest.
then deinstall that game, and finaly change his account to one with wich he cant install anything anymore.
ahh and make sure he cant just format and reinstall windows.

if this won't work you also might install child safety lock or parental control software where you can limit what internetadresses can be accessed and in best case has some kind of content filter within.
something like this:

If this isnt an option you might change your firewall in your router to a "deney all" firewall.
so you just close anything open and then just open all needed ports, like 80, 443 and so on.

i hope i could help you out.

01.12.07 22:15
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rape his face until he cries and calls you daddy so he'll never play maplefail again
02.12.07 00:34
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

I like Pio's idea. A lot. :lol:
02.12.07 00:36
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yeah, he wants to do that with me too.
02.12.07 09:15
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Get him some counselling. Seriously.

02.12.07 10:08
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Yeah, it sounds really bad.

A simple solution would be to download a password program that you just set a certain time limit he can use the program for. I'm sure they exist and something very simple would do the trick.

Set it on all the PCs and just give all the other family members the password they need to be able to use it whenever they want, since they're balanced human beings :P

Learn to look, look to learn.
02.12.07 10:41
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just beat the (maple)shit out of him man. assert some superiority!

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.12.07 12:17
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Quoted :: The Pope

Yeah, it sounds really bad.

A simple solution would be to download a password program that you just set a certain time limit he can use the program for. I'm sure they exist and something very simple would do the trick.

Set it on all the PCs and just give all the other family members the password they need to be able to use it whenever they want, since they're balanced human beings :P

he's pretty deperate for that game. He'll just reformat the computer just to get rid of that program.

02.12.07 17:04
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Honestly, I'd just beat his ass until he begs for mercy. Which then don't let up.
02.12.07 17:10
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Quoted :: SouthX

Honestly, I'd just beat his ass until he begs for mercy. Which then don't let up.

Seriously, that's a fucking stupid idea because the kid already has problems. You really don't want to make them worse.

02.12.07 17:14
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as in my first post. can you just close all ports in your router and open the ports that realy are needed?

an other option would be going to social therapy.
02.12.07 18:38
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A few things...

1. Windows Vista and use Parental Controls.

2. Either that or just delete the MapleCrap off the computer.

3. Put passwords on all accounts on all PC's, when he is allowed to play log in for him without giving away password.


02.12.07 22:14
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Quoted :: MC

as in my first post. can you just close all ports in your router and open the ports that realy are needed?

an other option would be going to social therapy.

Right, I really gotta do that. I need to figure out how to do that with my router though...

03.12.07 00:10
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Maybe you only blocked the ports for incoming. Try blocking them for outgoing. Usually there's a default rule that allows any ports outgoing, so the block rule for the ports needs to be above that default rule.


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I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
07.12.07 08:54
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