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Good thing you weren't talking about cheese nuts. We'dda' never figured out what the hell was going on.
29.08.03 19:44
Post #16
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There's a number in WWP when you use the scheme works that makes wepaons reaaaaally powerfull, but i cant remember what is is, try googling it.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
30.08.03 13:16
Post #17
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[]The Pope
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if u set prod to 11 in wwp the worm will fling right up in the air at a 90 degree angle.

Learn to look, look to learn.
30.08.03 14:04
Post #18
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Quoted :: The Pope

if u set prod to 11 in wwp the worm will fling right up in the air at a 90 degree angle.

with about how much fall damage?
30.08.03 19:00
Post #19
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[]The Pope
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dunno, i think it works as long as its 11

Learn to look, look to learn.
30.08.03 20:33
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LoL, sounds fun.

30.08.03 22:35
Post #21
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dont 4get about the point of this thread! helping me!
03.09.03 19:23
Post #22
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I figured you'd get all the information you needed from the replies to your post. If you don't, try reading them. If you stil don't, I have no idea how to help you.
03.09.03 20:19
Post #23
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but they didnt work
03.09.03 20:41
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