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Poll: Which internet-browser are you currently using?
Internet Explorer 7 1 users
Internet Explorer 6 1 users
Firefox 10 users
Opera 3 users
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Hello there.

So this is another thread about software, computers and all that things I like to use. This time, its about BROWSERS.

I'm currently using: Internet Explorer 7. Thats not because i like it (very slow and not enough plug-ins out there), thats just cuz it was preinstalled in my windows.

Do you like it too? Is Firefox / Opera etc. better? Write down, what YOU think of them.
07.06.07 11:17
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I'm using the latest version of Firefox, so I voted Firefox 2.

07.06.07 19:40
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i use opera cause it has an integrated mail client, integratet irc client and widgets.
so i like it the most

but i also have firefox 2.x installed in case a site wont open in opera but that becam very seldom
07.06.07 20:47
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

I am using the latest version of Firefox, Firefox 2. <3 Firefox! :D
08.06.07 02:39
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An image!

08.06.07 03:09
Post #5
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Quoted :: MC

but i also have firefox 2.x installed in case a site wont open in opera but that becam very seldom

Me 2. Sometimes, the BTP-Forum won't open with my 56k-Modem... it needs about 2 minutes to open THIS site with my modem :( with firefox i can see results after 30 secs, the picture are loading by and by.
Opera has the best, preinstalled file downloader, i think.
08.06.07 11:31
Post #6
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Quoted :: MC

i use opera cause it has an integrated mail client, integratet irc client and widgets.
so i like it the most
You realise firefox has mozilla chat and thunderbird?

09.06.07 22:42
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id realized that already but thunderbird must be launched seperately and i dont use chatzilla...

so opera is the best choice for me.

btw. did i mention that it has a better memory usage then firefox?
for some reason ff reserves much much ram and dont release it when i close sites (even if there is no site anymore)
10.06.07 01:49
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After I switched from Firefox to Opera, I never really could get used to Firefox ever again. Even Firefox 2,0 disappointed me. Firefox is so annoying cause it's constantly being updated and you have to download updates for it all the time. Very annoying.

I also hate the Opera browser because it really isn't too good with Javascript and 99% of the internet doesn't support Opera. So nyeh.

10.06.07 07:40
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Yes, the fat yellow thing says:

Internet Explorer (7) is very bad for surfing the internet with a 56k-modem. IE crashes all the time and must be sometimes restarted. I think, IE is just a basic internet explorer for windows users. Firefox or Opera are more specialized for internet. 8)
10.06.07 10:26
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Quoted :: MC

btw. did i mention that it has a better memory usage then firefox?
for some reason ff reserves much much ram and dont release it when i close sites (even if there is no site anymore)

Yeah it uses more RAM but that doesn't mean it doesn't release it. Released memory often still gets counted against a program until something else needs it or the program is exited.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
10.06.07 21:59
Post #11
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Also, I have a feeling that the firetune I use to tweak firefox fixes that a bit - it certainly shows alot less memory usage in the task manager on average.

And I get this fanatastic warm feeling everytime firefox updates itself:lol: I'm a sucker for new technology.

Quoted :: MC

but i also have firefox 2.x installed in case a site wont open in opera but that becam very seldom
I have IE on stand incase that happens with firefox. Plus if theres any windows updates to be doing it needs IE. What I have got, though, is an IE rendering engine for firefox, so I dont ever actually need to open up IE. Ever. I just switch the rendering engine.

<3 firefox. The names cool too, better than Opera.

11.06.07 11:30
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The Current Results:

1. Rank: Firefox
Very much plugins, opens sites fast. 100%-BTP-compatible :D Bad: Memory Usage, being updated all the time (for slow internet-connections bad). This browser may open sites that you cant load with other browsers.

2. Rank: Opera
Enough widgets, integrated mail/irc-client and the best file downloader of IE and FF. This will cover the bad arguments of this browser: not enough sites were 100%-compatible with Opera.

3. Rank: Internet Explorer 6/7
Slow, not enough plugins, bad file downloader, preinstalled in system (virus attacks). Good: protection-mode, does not need so many updates, kuul design in vista :D

Youre not satisfied of this result? Gimme your facts, why.
12.06.07 13:39
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12.06.07 17:05
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12.06.07 18:07
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