
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » Legal WWP

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I was wondering, I always liked t17 (course worms but also their rc game), didn't like the 3d versions all that much but anyway, how many people actually have a legal version of WWP ? Considering u can play fine online with a downed iso.. is it still being sold ? or is it common for everyone to use cracked copies ?
19.04.07 21:43
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i got w:a and wwp original.

dont know weather they sell it, but you can get them for 5euro per game or something on ebay.

but as is said soooooo often before: i regrat buying wwp on ebay for 5euro its still crappy...
19.04.07 21:51
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Orangie Orgy
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I bought my original W:A copy when it came out (that came with another game Mechwarrior 3 for $19.99)

Then when i wanted both W2 and WWP I bought T17s triple worm pack for (I think it was $9)
But back then I wasn't a heavy duty pirate like I am now...
19.04.07 22:01
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I also bought the mighty Worms Battle Pack from a friend of mine, for 7€. It contains W2, W:A and WWP. So yes, I have them legally.
22.04.07 19:45
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I owned two legal copies of wwp and wa and one copy of w2 at some point in time. Right now these cds are either missing or broken. Since anything i'll buy over ebay wont benefit team 17 anyway... i went with a pirated copy...
15.06.07 03:44
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