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[]The Pope
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The veterans will remember 'Splinter Well' as a splinter cell sigworm I made. Then Worm Wars announced an animation competition and I decided to produce something with the Splinter Well worm. I slaved away all night before the deadline and got it done and sent it off.

In the end, there weren't enough entries to warrant a prize giveaway that was promised. Eric at Worm Wars forgot and so did I...until today. Whilst talking with joetheeskimo, it came up he still had the animated GIF files, which I had lost a long, long time ago.

After some nostalgic viewing, I thought I'd uploaded what Joe had sent and share it with you. These were made on the 14th of May, 2004 but even if I do say so myself, the quality stands up considering I hadn't been animating for much time before.

Peruse them here:

The old thread that I held to get some evil scientists is also still on the forums and is here:

Aah, those were the days...

Learn to look, look to learn.
17.02.07 02:01
Post #1
Last edited: 17.02.07 02:01 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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nice work pope =) love the animation
17.02.07 10:06
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