
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » The rise of Strategic Match

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Hi there, i think this is the second time i write there or somethin, but that's not why you are here for.

Whit the help of my brother i've created a new kind of game to play with WWP (and even with W:A, why not!).

There it goes, it is the Strategic Match (for friends SM).

There are no specific rules, but this game needs some particular maps and a determinate scheme.

The point of SM is to kill your opponent using your head in a duel till last second.

That's what u need to know:
-Every player has just 1 worm with 175 hp
-Worms are positioned in specific points of the map, generally opposite
-Maps are realized so that every pixel is reachable and specific passages could be closed with some strategy
-Maps are destructable, it means the battlefield could be modified, if you know how to do it :)
-no objects, just your worms fighting
-no ropes, or bungee, or Teleport or parachute. Is all up to your worm's "feet". Your turn is enough long to let you move, and you'll also have some useful object.
-Round time is of 5 minutes, then water start rising enough fast! Keep that in mind!

By the way, you can't totally understand what am I talking about if you don't try, so here's what you need to play:

Link to the Scheme:

Link to the Maps:

Take these maps as examples to create yours!

Now, I've started this new game type, and BTP is the only site in wich i wrote full SM rules.
If you like it, help me publishig it wherever you can!

Thank you for your attention, and Enjoy!

by pOpZ

P.S. maybe I'll update the post for news or else, so keep an eye on it!
31.12.06 13:08
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Sry, Here are the links:

SM scheme:

SM Maps ( made by me of course :D )
DevilCry_SM :
BeeHive_SM: (bit)¦W_WFIXME¦(png)
There u go :D!

---UPDATE 3/1/07---
-Added Map: "UnderTheCity_SM by pOpZ"

notes: The SM Scheme link is for direct download: the standard download provides to get the W:A scheme. For WWp scheme just go in SCHEMES section, and select the gametype before download

---UPDATE 22/3/07---
-Added Map: "TheFort_SM by pOpZ"

---UPDATE 30/8/07---
-Added Map: "BeeHive_SM" in both BIT and PNG version by pOpZ
31.12.06 13:26
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Last edited: 30.07.07 23:20 (pOpZ - 8 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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sounds pretty neat
01.01.07 07:13
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you should submit it here:
01.01.07 20:24
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