
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms 3D Discussion » So does anyone still plays W3D?

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I've installed and updated the game today.
It's not bad, but no replacement for the good old 2D games. In any case, the only guys playing online are some polish weirdos who add dozens of '!'s and '?'s at the end of each line and seem to have no idea of how the game works(some guy asked me to "get out *multi !* " of his game).

So anyway, are there still meetings going on, with people who speak English and preferably know the game's basics?
01.12.06 13:50
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Last edited: 01.12.06 13:51 (DaKing - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I did have this game, but got rid of it a while ago due to lack of interest for English (speaking) players.

Might get it back, depends if I can be bothered to trail back to Worms games.


01.12.06 18:41
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I have W3D. Haven't played it for a while since I have W4, but I'd happily blow the dust off the box if there was the prospect of facing real people.
02.12.06 04:20
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I'm real, I think. I speak English fairly well too.
My nick's over there is DeeKay though. Best way to find me is via IRC: @ #worms.
02.12.06 10:01
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Last edited: 02.12.06 10:02 (DaKing - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I don't actually play on-line. I just use it to test various hacks. Mostly Map Editor stuff. Lately, though, I've been working more on W4 stuff and less on W3D stuff. Trying to get a custom 3D model editor going. Custom hats, gloves, weapons for weapon factory. That kind of thing.

I'd like to put together a sync tool, to take all the custom stuff on-line, but I still haven't figured out how to get some of the data that is needed.
05.01.07 08:51
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if you want a good 3d worms games, get
worms 4. it has worms's outfit customization
and you can make your own weapons
05.01.07 15:48
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It's an ambush! *echoes*
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I'll be getting the game soon, and when I do, I'll be playing it online. I'm not a polish weirdo, and I speak English.

01.07.09 05:43
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Looking for new clan members ;D
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Yes, there is still people plating W3D online (english speaking people). You can find players at including the people who upload W3D YouTube videos like AlexBond and GrenadeX. There is no point looking for the majority of W3D players here.

09.12.09 02:13
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