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Nope, can't say I do. Well I could, but I'd be lying.
16.10.06 12:49
Post #16
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Huh? I don't get that pic there, Pio. Am I stupid?
Oh you mean that part of the page is beyond the screen and no scrollbar? Yes, I have the same problem.

This profile looks weird, doesn't it?
16.10.06 12:50
Post #17
Last edited: 16.10.06 12:55 (Peltzi - 1 times) [Peltzi's gallery] [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
Orangie Orgy
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Hay, lets welcome our new BTP buddy []Unvalidated Emailcollege sex!

Huh? I don't get that pic there, Pio. Am I stupid?

the bottom scroll bar doesnt show when it should for the right column, but I think your pre-sig just mushed it all into the unknowns of pixelplanet
edit: yar, im late


This profile looks weird, doesn't it?

it looks different for everyone else but... nothing for me..?
16.10.06 12:56
Post #18
Last edited: 16.10.06 12:57 (Pioneer322 - 2 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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It sure does.8O

And I didn't get the pic either. Not that it makes my statement any less true.

Edit: Ack, this conversation has to stop, soon nothing will make sense.
16.10.06 12:57
Post #19
Last edited: 16.10.06 12:59 (EvilWeevil - 1 times) [Hide Sig (5)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Havalook at what I see in a profile:

SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler
16.10.06 12:59
Post #20
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That's what I see too, just with a different style.
16.10.06 12:59
Post #21
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And thats what I see with my second account. So very odd

So far I have stumbled into a number of this sites bugs, but here I will list the ones that hopefully zog and/or someone that cares will look at

1) logging out in the forum causes a 404 link (logout.php after the threads url)
2) When you register, the style turns to, No style at all. (all white and htmly)

#2 would bring a nice nice impression to those new to this place...
16.10.06 13:11
Post #22
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Hmm, problem #01 doesn't seem to effect me.
16.10.06 13:18
Post #23
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: EvilWeevil

Hmm, problem #01 doesn't seem to effect me.

ok, that may have just been a problem on my end as I have been needing to click links twice to work (qedit, spoiler, etc.)
try logging out on page 1 of this har thread

I'm about to pass out onto my bed beside me so.. fgsfds
16.10.06 13:26
Post #24
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

try logging out on page 1 of this har thread

Well whaddya know, turns out you're right. Weird.
17.10.06 00:25
Post #25
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Quoted :: EvilWeevil

Quoted :: Pioneer322

try logging out on page 1 of this har thread

Well whaddya know, turns out you're right. Weird.

Weird that Pio turns out to be right? How cruel.
17.10.06 07:39
Post #26
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Not online within the last half an hour everyone who thinks it's cruel, the weird is referring to the error...for everyone who doesn't think it's cruel, it's referring to Pio.

17.10.06 09:54
Post #27
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How handy... intellisentence.
17.10.06 10:30
Post #28
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Intellisentence? That's an interesting new word.
18.10.06 01:28
Post #29
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I agree, I'm proud of myself for inventing it ;).
18.10.06 08:39
Post #30
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