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The NES...perhaps it should have been called the NLFS. (nothing lasts forever story) Anyway, things have been a bit dull around here recently, so I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in a forum version of it (with less randomness and less noobs :P) I don't want to start it and then realise no one's interested which would make me look like a right fool.8O So do say if you think it's a good idea. Suggestions for how it could be different and better are welcome.
05.10.06 10:43
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No. Because that guy will accuse us for stealing "his idea".

05.10.06 21:09
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Last edited: 05.10.06 21:09 (TheAbdBoy - 1 times) [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Indeed, but 'he-who-must-not-be-named' has been banned. Does it really matter if he complains?


05.10.06 23:18
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I wasn't even aware Voldemort was a member here.

Oh right, chess space dude. Screw him.:D
06.10.06 00:26
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