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Meiapaul...I wasn't around in the days you posted in the forums.

So, um, hello.
11.10.06 01:24
Post #46
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[]The Pope
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Quoted :: Meiapaul


Oh you little bugger, where did you come from and where did you go, where did you come from, cotton eye...Meia?

Are you like 'Take That' and "back for good"?

Was browsing through earlier today and found:
An image!
Happy days :P

Learn to look, look to learn.
11.10.06 09:27
Post #47
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Yeh, but for some reason I'm not in that list... herm :$ I'm on nearly 100 times a day...
11.10.06 17:48
Post #48
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Quoted :: Spleet

Yeh, but for some reason I'm not in that list... herm :$ I'm on nearly 100 times a day...

Same here, I always drop by at least 50 - 100 times each day :p


11.10.06 18:40
Post #49
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Now all we need is Flakra and Wish back and everyone can sleep happy.

11.10.06 19:01
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Did Falkra even give a reason for his leaving? or Wishmaster?
11.10.06 20:01
Post #51
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Orangie Orgy
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That pic was 2 years ago..
Jmaster(wish) is alive but doesn't seem interested in this place anymore
Falkra must have passed away or something
12.10.06 01:23
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Who's C1? I've been really active on this forum untill I left/went on vacation, but I never heard of this C1 guy. And I am online at the same time as him! D:

12.10.06 04:48
Post #53
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Someone on msn mentioned something else called BTP, and I thought I'd pop by and say hi, but I won't be staying :o

As fo Wishmaster, I've been playing WoW with Jay for like, a year and a bit now, but I just sold my account. He's fine :D
12.10.06 09:12
Post #54
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[]The Pope
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How much did you get for your account?

Learn to look, look to learn.
12.10.06 09:17
Post #55
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Quoted :: The Pope

How much did you get for your account?

Somehow, I don't think he'll be back.


12.10.06 11:32
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he got £160 for it, cos he sold is cheap like a fool.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
12.10.06 13:22
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I think I'm alive.

*pokes eye*

12.10.06 16:14
Post #58
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Damn , that much for a WoW account.... People are retarded.... WoW isn't even that good of a game, imo.
12.10.06 18:05
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[]The Pope
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Quoted :: ReadMe

he got £160 for it, cos he sold is cheap like a fool.

Yes, I suppose starting a bidding frenzy on the official forums would've been a better way to get a higher price :P

Learn to look, look to learn.
12.10.06 21:31
Post #60
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