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Is there a pack for WWP which contains EVRY THING Maps, Graves, Flags.. And so on. I'm just lazy to download evry thind one by one..
10.07.06 07:56
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There are grave packs and map packs.

Such a pack would be a good idea... you could create one but if you're too lazy to download graves, maps etc. I think this job ain't for you. I might just make one. Thanks for idea.
I'll get on that after colourising my Pixel factory (approximately it'll take 1 more week)

I wonder if anyone has ever thought about it.
10.07.06 09:03
Post #2
Last edited: 10.07.06 10:41 (Peltzi - 1 times) [Peltzi's gallery] [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Where can i download good Scheme, Garave and Flag packs? I will try to make all in 1 pack :D
10.07.06 11:14
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Try looking in the files section of BTP first.


10.07.06 12:44
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Oh BTW, have you noticed the Cart of horrors thingy, SeduxeN? It's handy for lazy downloaders.
10.07.06 14:52
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Quoted :: Peltzi

Oh BTW, have you noticed the Cart of horrors thingy, SeduxeN? It's handy for lazy downloaders.

Not really lazy, just easier to download all the files you want in one go.


10.07.06 15:18
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Orright, I've now packed a bunch of maps, schemes, flags and graves but I will work on this more. This ain't the final version.

I've downloaded nearly all of the files here and I've added the authors name to names of graves and flags.

In case someone has something to complain about the pack, that's what it's here for. So go ahead.

I am planning to add a few programs too, some playing tips and gametype rules. Any other suggestions?

Go WWP pack preversion

BTW, anybody know why that counter doesn't work? This is my first html document :P
Oh, it may be my ISP...
11.07.06 06:34
Post #7
Last edited: 11.07.06 06:47 (Peltzi - 2 times) [Peltzi's gallery] [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Nice... I will install it now. :) Oh.. And can I put it to my web page? All credits to you ofkource...

Cool! But it will be better if you will add SoundBanks and FanFares. If you will need help My ICQ is 3-216-622 And E-Mail
11.07.06 13:59
Post #8
Last edited: 11.07.06 14:11 (SeduxeN - 4 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I whanted to add CouterStrike Sound bank to BTP but it is larger than 250 kb...
11.07.06 14:40
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Did I play with you today?

Don't put that version to your webpage. Put the final instead when it''s released.

To get files uploaded to this site that are over 250 kb you must send them to some staff member via e-mail for example. They'll check it and upload to the site if it's ok.
11.07.06 15:03
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If you would like a file larger than the limit uploaded to BTP (i.e, soundbanks, etc.), ask an admin.
Like ZoGgEr or Pioneer322, talkto them and they will upload it for you.


11.07.06 15:11
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OK! Thanks.. :)
12.07.06 07:47
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Okay, it took LOONG, but the pack is now complete. I've uploaded it here.
If some staff member could upload it to BTP for me, as it is way too large for me to upload. Please mark me as its uploader as well.
Comments are also very welcome. Ty.

And sorry for resurrecting... my judgement told me that it was better to post this here than to create a new thread. eniweis, have some fun.
13.09.06 14:21
Post #13
Last edited: 13.09.06 14:26 (Peltzi - 2 times) [Peltzi's gallery] [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Peltzi, id upload it but im having troubles downloading it, as it cuts off randomly while downloading making it corrupt...
is it the place you uploaded that could be causin this?
13.09.06 16:07
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I uploaded it to my web bage hosted by my ISP...
Should I send it to you by YouSendIt or similar?
17.09.06 15:09
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