
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheMoney » Advertising board?

Poll: Would this be a good idea?
Yea absolutely 1 users
It may work 2 users
Dunnoba 0 users
I don't think it would work 0 users
It sucks, I'm telling ya. SUX! 0 users
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What about a small advertising board on the main page where you can advertise your own files or a website, for example. It would costs something like 20 pounds per day.

Maybe there's no room for this... but suggesting costs nothing.
04.07.06 08:49
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It may work...

We'll have to watch out for people advertising offense content.


04.07.06 12:59
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Let's add myfreepaysite onto the list. >_>

I like the idea :D.

04.07.06 14:46
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Let's add myfreepaysite onto the list. >_>

I like the idea :D.

w00t for MyFreePaySite! :D

Wait, ZOMG ABD! You're under 18 :P


04.07.06 17:09
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no way, I turned 18 in january,

04.07.06 17:25
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Why does every damn freepaythingy only work in US or UK?! I want free stuff too!
04.07.06 17:34
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Umm Peltzi, myfreepaysite really isn't free "stuff", more like a service. A service full of porno.

04.07.06 17:57
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I ment more like freelaptops and iPodsweepstakes...
04.07.06 18:06
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Try searching for something on Google in your country, you might find something.

Edit: fixed spelling mistake


04.07.06 18:30
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Quoted :: RunT

Try searching for something on Google in your country, you might find something.

Edit: fixed spelling mistake

Nothing... if anyone happens to know any such site but international, please inform me. Now back to the topic. :)
04.07.06 18:41
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Speaking of adds.. BTP has them
05.07.06 05:34
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