
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » MAPS FAILURE

HI @ all !

I've got the following problem:

I downloaded some maps from and put them in my savedlevels folder then I started a custom game and loaded different maps into the editor BUT as soon as I pressed the preview button the maps didn't have the right texture ???

They're the same maps but like instead of massive lines and blocks there are only a few pixels???? Then there are holes all over the place and when starting the game worms are captured in these! Does an1 know what has to be done???

05.06.06 01:35
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Orangie Orgy
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Use ONLY the Urban, Medical, Pirate, BEach or cheese terrains. The rest screw everything up...
05.06.06 01:38
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Yeah thx but i already tried all of those and none work !

Now even if it's ok in the preview it's still fucked up in the game loooooool???????°°°°°°°°!
05.06.06 03:43
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Orangie Orgy
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Well I dunno, could be because WWP sucks arse (get w:A)
05.06.06 04:20
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Use ONLY the Urban, Medical, Pirate, BEach or cheese terrains. The rest screw everything up...

I'd recommend only Hospital (Is it Medical?) or Manhattan (Is it Urban?). Did you try those?
05.06.06 05:27
Post #5
Last edited: 05.06.06 05:30 (Peltzi - 2 times) [Peltzi's gallery] [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
Yes i did !

I tried each possible one and thy all have failures some more than others but still none works lol!

I guess I'm really the only one with this problem!
05.06.06 22:15
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That would be weird. Can you send me the map you tried to upload and I'll take a look at it? My e-mail address can be found from my profile.
06.06.06 05:52
Post #7
[Peltzi's gallery] [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
Thx for ur offer but it has solved itsself !

A friend found some unregularities in the installation progres s of my worms version ! DON'T ASK WHAT or WHICH ONES ! (Something wrong with the Disk) I have no clue what he's talking about!

But I reinstalled the game from his cd's and now everything is fine thx again for ur quick HELP !

07.06.06 00:39
Post #8

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