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I just got into making custom maps with like Paint and PS and stuff... I tried loading the B&W BMP image as a custom terrain and it wont. It wont even load the standrad Team17 logo ones. So I gave up on that and tried bitmonkey. I downloaded it, put it in the WWP directory and tried to run it. It gave me a message about some file missing or being unregistered or something... any help?
04.06.06 05:49
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[S]Pioneer322 sighs
You need to download the required runtime files for it to work here:

Extract to the same folder as wwp or in /system32/ or whatever

~bad mood today~
04.06.06 06:49
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Thanks I'll give it a try. Does it need the patch or anything? Because I got the worms bundle pack thing with W:A WWP and Worms 2. And when I download the patch it says that the disc isnt it. I'm guessing i chose the wrong country's patch. The disc I have doenst look like any of the three on their page. oh well.?

And any idea why I can't even load the standard team 17 terrain things?
04.06.06 07:19
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Last edited: 04.06.06 07:25 (Jeffzor - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Jeffzor

Thanks I'll give it a try. Does it need the patch or anything? Because I got the worms bundle pack thing with W:A WWP and Worms 2. And when I download the patch it says that the disc isnt it. I'm guessing i chose the wrong country's patch. The disc I have doenst look like any of the three on their page. oh well.?

And any idea why I can't even load the standard team 17 terrain things?

I got the Triple pack too... and its the euro version even tho i live in the states... its already patched
uninstall and reinstall

The terrain thing? I dunno, WWP is just full of problems
04.06.06 08:25
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Quoted :: Jeffzor

I tried loading the B&W BMP image as a custom terrain and it wont. It wont even load the standrad Team17 logo ones.

I have the same problem but it hasn't always been like that. I've been able to import maps but now nothing happens. Weeeeird. Well, I play W:A nowadays and there are no problems.
04.06.06 15:51
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Yeah, I think I'm going to go back to W:A too. Does anyone know how well the Windows xp/2k update works? Because the last time I tried playing W:A it would let me edit teams and select my terrain and stuff but just wouldnt start the round. And is Wormnet for W:A any better or more reliable that the WWP one?
04.06.06 17:48
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Quoted :: Jeffzor

And is Wormnet for W:A any better or more reliable that the WWP one?

Well on my comp at least it works faster, you can see a list of every currently online player in the channels lobby, and there's a bot which lists every message, login and logout. It's called TiCPU if I remember correctly. Just PM !help to it and you'll get instructions. And BTW, W:A's wormnet is called just WormNet and WWP's wormnet is called WormNet2.
04.06.06 18:03
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Do I NEED the windows xp update to run W:A on xp? I just installed it, made my team, went to start a game and it just sat on black until I ctrl alt deleted. And on the team 17 site it says I need to download like the previous updates before the newest one, Do I need to get every individual update for W:A? Or a patch or antyhing?
P.S. Thanks for being so helpful I been on some really bad forums before where everyone just talks crap and worry about how high their post count is:roll:
05.06.06 07:29
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Yes, an update is needed to run W:A on XP. If you try to run un-updated on XP, you'll only see black screen when trying to start the game.

The newest update can be downloaded here.
As far as I know, only this one is needed, you don't need older ones, because this one contains them all.
Read the notes on the page.

The patch can be downloaded here.
You can find instructions how to find out if you need a patch. Read them and do as it says.
05.06.06 07:45
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Last edited: 05.06.06 07:49 (Peltzi - 2 times) [Peltzi's gallery] [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Well I got that Update, and didnt need the patch. Matches work now but every time I try to do a mission or training drill thing W:A crashes at the end of the training or when I fail it or whatever... Any ideas on fixing?
05.06.06 08:58
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My W:A crashed when I was hosting a game in WormNet and tried to start the second round. Re-installation helped. Perhaps you could give it a try.
05.06.06 09:05
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