
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » Looking for a map... Read Me!

hi cba fba wba afr abl/ktl ktc! *joke:twisted:*

Sometime I played on map with curiously made place for plop...
Instead of traditional:
An image!

...was made smth like this:
An image!
(but that was smaller than on my draw).

I was searching it for day but I found nothing... I need it very much cus I wanna see it in game again and see how it works... I want do smth like it on my map.
I don't know exactly if it was map for shoppa or wxw... if You know what about I say give me the name/author of this map, link to it or send me it on (You can put it on / too)

REGARD ! ! !
28.05.06 15:00
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hmmm wot are those green blobs? and there a bit small and i guess only for wa :(
29.05.06 21:57
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There is no green in those images at all. You sir are color-blind. But i think i have played that map, cannot recall the name of it now though. :|
29.05.06 22:06
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Quoted :: Spleet

There is no green in those images at all. You sir are color-blind.

Sir? lol.
Actually it did look green to me but since they're .gif's the color prolly got washed out
This map your talking about looks like that Dogma map, but i dunno the right name
But who knows, anyone could have a land style like that on a map
29.05.06 22:27
Post #4
Last edited: 29.05.06 22:29 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
ok thx guys i have it !

green blobs = grenades

03.06.06 20:47
Post #5

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