
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » Indestructable Walls

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How can I make the walls indestrucable?I mean in WWP.What do I have to do?
13.05.06 09:35
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It's the scheme that makes maps indestructable. You need to create or download a scheme like that.
13.05.06 10:10
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Indeed. It's probably better to create one though, as you might spend ages looking through schemes and never finding the one you want.


Quoted :: Peltzi

There's no such thing as bad luck!

Is that your pre-sig? Now I know how annoying mine were.:P
14.05.06 09:17
Post #3
Last edited: 14.05.06 09:20 (EvilWeevil - 1 times) [Hide Sig (5)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Peltzi

There's no such thing as bad luck!

Is that your pre-sig? Now I know how annoying mine were.:P

You mixed it up with the post itself? Well I tried to underline it but I didn't succeed =(. I'm such a n%b. Anyway, it's taken off now.
14.05.06 10:27
Post #4
Last edited: 14.05.06 10:29 (Peltzi - 3 times) [Peltzi's gallery] [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
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hey danny ur pixel better? i fed it for u :mrgreen: anyway if u dont know how to create scheme then on the left look for something that says scheme editor its below the mega map pack then click it and create ur scheme then extract ok? :)
14.05.06 19:23
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By extract, I presume you mean the "Download" button.

And make sure you select Worms World Party under file options, as that's one of the most common mistakes people make when downloading/creating schemes.
15.05.06 10:11
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i cant explain extract but u basically save the scheme somewhere then search it and send it to compressed zip folders then click the new folder then right click on it and select extract all then click next and then click browse and go into c:/team17/wwp/user/savedlevels then click extract and u will be able to use that scheme on wwp *out of breath* man thats a mouthful :mrgreen:
15.05.06 16:15
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Or, you could just press "Download" and save it into wwp/user/schemes.:)
16.05.06 09:21
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stfu :evil:
16.05.06 15:44
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Hey, I'm just stating the facts.:mrgreen:
17.05.06 09:20
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