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I've got £3.98 xD
How do i get more money, Whats the best way of getting money?
10.05.06 04:41
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browseing the site AKA a "hit" = .02
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I'd suggest not abuseing the money system, even tho its useless.. somewhat
10.05.06 04:48
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And when you earn £1,000,000, you can exchange your BTP Money for real cash.

Current exchange rate:

1,000,000 BTP = 0.0001 USD

10.05.06 05:09
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

And when you earn £1,000,000, you can exchange your BTP Money for real cash.

Current exchange rate:

1,000,000 BTP = 0.0001 USD
If that were true then zog would be rich.

10.05.06 17:47
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In my opinion, any currency on forums is only an incentive for spamming. Especially with all of the things you can use it on.
11.05.06 01:13
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Oh yes, you must tell me about "All the things" some time.:P

11.05.06 12:45
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

New forum thread = 3.00

really? i always thought it was for how long your posts are

Super Mario RPG on the Wii = Me Happy:D
13.05.06 01:53
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Quoted :: jinjos98

really? i always thought it was for how long your posts are

If that were true then I would be rich.
13.05.06 02:50
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Quoted :: EvilWeevil

If that were true then I would be rich.

hah, so true, well I guess that ends my era of long posts...

Super Mario RPG on the Wii = Me Happy:D
14.05.06 12:33
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It must have been an awfully short era.;)
15.05.06 10:05
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Or just ask someone rich (= worked for me when I needed some money :D

Have a cup of ABD :]
03.06.06 17:55
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