
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » Weapons

Hi,How do i turn all the weapons on so i get weapons like concrete donkey
08.05.06 19:26
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You probably play Worms Armageddon, which I don't know so well. In Worms World Party you just select the [Full wormage] scheme and violĂ¡, you have all the weapons from prod to armageddon. Get ready to rock!
08.05.06 19:29
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What makes you think he has WA? This is in the WWP discussion forum.

You can download this fullwormage scheme from somhere, or unlock it by completeing all the missions.

08.05.06 19:58
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Ye ye, I didn't think :lol:. I'm newbie in forums but... in WWP there's a Full wormage scheme available immediately without any efforts.
09.05.06 15:29
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Quoted :: Peltzi

in WWP there's a Full wormage scheme available immediately without any efforts.

Which I'm supposing is why you thought stu
was talking about WA, to answer your question []HarrY
10.05.06 09:56
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Correct, thanks. I hope this helps you, stu.
10.05.06 11:20
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i have the full wormage sceme without completeing the missions
10.05.06 12:00
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Exactly. It's available in WWP immediately. So your problem is solved, Stu.
10.05.06 12:36
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Unless he really was talking about WA, in which case I imagine there's a download for it on this site.
11.05.06 09:29
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Quoted :: EvilWeevil

Unless he really was talking about WA, in which case I imagine there's a download for it on this site.

The full wormage scheme can be found here, if you have W:A.
11.05.06 13:28
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I havn't played wwp in a very long time, so I assumed it would be the same as wa.

11.05.06 15:53
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In WWP you have unlocked on start scheme 'The Full Wormage'...

Evolutions for a pleasure...
30.07.06 10:08
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Last edited: 30.07.06 10:09 (RadicaL - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Yes that's already posted here 2 months ago.
30.07.06 11:06
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