
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » Rules

When i go on wwp online and try to play some of the games i get asked for rules, what are they?
08.05.06 16:44
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They're just general rules fellow worms players make up and follow out of good faith. If you want other people to play with you more than once, then you need to follow the rules of whatever type of game they're playing. You could always just disrupt their game, but that would just waste everyone's time. If you click on "A-Z of Worms" under the "HELP!" section on the menu to your left of the screen, rules for certain gametypes are listed somewhere. We have a list of gametypes around here somewhere too if they didn't get deleted but I have no idea where.

have fun

Oh, and, they may just be trying to figure out if you're an experienced player or not. If you have no idea what the rules are, like you, then the other players are going to know you're completely new to the game, which is bad for you if they're looking for someone experienced to play. Just let them know you're new and hopefully they won't care, or might even help you out.
08.05.06 16:49
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Hehhe, the list is under the "A-Z of worms." Or just click here. Which Worms -game you play, Stugsy?
08.05.06 19:24
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Quoted :: Peltzi

Hehhe, the list is under the "A-Z of worms." Or just click here. Which Worms -game you play, Stugsy?

Take a wile guess. The post was made in the WormsWorldParty dicussion forum.

08.05.06 21:13
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Quoted :: Stugsy

When i go on wwp online...

*Runs out of things to say*
10.05.06 10:06
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