
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheArt » Open to make signatures/Avatars

Satan's Minion
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I can make good graphics.. my signature is just one of my works (which didnt take me very long) the ones im most proud of are destroyed however... my old PC crapped out on me and i never backed them up :cry::cry::cry: *sigh* if your interested lemme know and maybe ill sell ya one :P
16.04.06 02:57
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hey darkstar, can you make one for me please? I like your current sig - but can you make mine thinner in height
like 200 px.

ill pay you handsomeley
16.04.06 23:21
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Satan's Minion
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I would be happy to. If you would like to suggest or give me an image or image url to use in your sig.. perhaps a color shceme preferance id be more than happy to try to make one for you, and of course if you don't like it I wont make you take it. however if you say you don't like it and then use it.. i may have to chop off your hands :twisted: :lol:
17.04.06 00:03
Post #3
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see my avatar - make a harvest moon from SNES type sig. include the chickens - lots of chickens
17.04.06 03:57
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Satan's Minion
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Ok, I will start on that now, it may take an hour or so. I will send you a PM when it is done.

17.04.06 22:58
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Satan's Minion
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I finished his sig its shown as his sig now. I am still making them for anyone that wants one, I'm not the best artist, however I try hard and the usually turn out good so if your interested in one PM me or reply here I check up regularly.

18.04.06 20:19
Post #6
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Ilike your Artwork, but my little sig is enough for me.

Btw. what program did you use?
18.04.06 21:23
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Nice job Darkstar...I like Skate's new sig :)
19.04.06 16:47
Post #8
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he uses photoshop - he told me :p
19.04.06 19:07
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Satan's Minion
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Yes, I am quite proficient in Photoshop (went to school for graphic arts but never finished the course.. they were teaching crap I could learn on my damn own on the web for free). If you want anything though. Nameplates, avatar, banner for a website, buttons. Just ask me we can work something out im sure. :)
19.04.06 20:32
Post #10
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