Strange Send PM
 Posts: 2033
Threads: 147 Mood: Paranoid Money: £3733.51 (D) Inc. Tax: 10% (+ Friend) 
This is not a contest, or else this would be in BlameTheJudges. Design an Enemy or Ally's appearance, like how it would look in your dream game.
- If an Ally. Why is he there? What's his purpose? How much HP and MP does he have? What can he do? Does he die later in the game? What's his name? Ect...
- If an Enemy, what is he called? How do you kill him? How much HP does he have? And... Yeah... Note you can make bosses too.
You know the drill, I don't make things until someone else does.
Edit: Nevermind I made one (not my best work)
Type: Enemy
Name: Mach 2
HP: 100%
Moves:Fly Kick - Grabbing Opponents, flying up and slamming them down - Straight Down Kick - Using his own Jetpack to burn you.
Defense: Hard to jump up and hit him - Throwing him will only make him find balance again to fly.
Special Attack: Grab you, fly up and spiral you backwards throwing you on your head (-45 HP).
14.04.06 01:38 Post #1 | Last edited: 14.04.06 02:01 (Zippy - 4 times) |
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Type: Enemy or Ally
Name: Zarzano
HP: 100%
Moves: Archier, Swordsmanship, a massive punch/kick combo, his lizard can claw to you to death or eat you, and the lizard has a poisonous bite.
Defense: Strong muscles and quick reflexes, and his lizard gives him extra defense if he manages to not notice an enemy. Special Attack: Dagger throw, mega kick, multi-arrow combo attack, and lizard bite knife throw attack.
14.04.06 20:11 Post #2 | Last edited: 14.04.06 20:17 (C1 - 1 times) |
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Statusless Send PM Posts: 2600
Threads: 106 Money: £29.56 (D) (+ Friend) 
Note: might be able to see with ultra-compact inverted design
Type: Ally
Name: Stickman 3000
HP: 100%, regenerates when in stealth
Moves: he has masters art in chinnese kung-fu, ju-jitsu and taekwondoe
Defense: can move in and out of stealth in all areas using special skills learned from sacred monk techniques. Fast paced fighting the speed of lightning
Special Attack: super speed allowing him to preform punch / kick / backflip kicks in split seconds
Note 2: apologies for crappy drawing
Note 3: before anyone says anything, theres nothing wrong with stickmen

14.04.06 21:59 Post #3 | Last edited: 14.04.06 22:01 (RunT - 2 times) |
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poo! Send PM Posts: 3124
Threads: 75 Mood: Headshooterising modd. (CSS) Money: £2287.88 (D) User Tax: 10% (+ Friend) 
Bwhahahaha that's fantastic RunT xD.
Type: Ally
Name: Mr. Green
Moves: Emit green light from his smile.
Defense: Be hard to see with horrid jpg compression.
Special Attack: None.
14.04.06 22:52 Post #4 | Last edited: 14.04.06 22:55 (HarrY - 1 times) |
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Strange Send PM
 Posts: 2033
Threads: 147 Mood: Paranoid Money: £3733.51 (D) Inc. Tax: 10% (+ Friend) 
Alright, no smileys.
Type: Enemy
Name: Ground Dweller
Moves: Spawns from the dirt, and can ram into you, and use his spring tongue for a powerful punch. He can let out a cry to bring more dwellers.
Defense:: It can put it's head down, since it's skull is almost invincible.
Special Attack: Spiny Roll
14.04.06 23:47 Post #5 | Last edited: 14.04.06 23:48 (Zippy - 1 times) |
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poo! Send PM Posts: 3124
Threads: 75 Mood: Headshooterising modd. (CSS) Money: £2287.88 (D) User Tax: 10% (+ Friend) 
Copy of Doom3 kthxbia.
14.04.06 23:55 Post #6 | [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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Note: might be able to see with ultra-compact inverted design
Type: Ally
Name: Stickman 3000
HP: 100%, regenerates when in stealth
Moves: he has masters art in chinnese kung-fu, ju-jitsu and taekwondoe
Defense: can move in and out of stealth in all areas using special skills learned from sacred monk techniques. Fast paced fighting the speed of lightning
Special Attack: super speed allowing him to preform punch / kick / backflip kicks in split seconds
Note 2: apologies for crappy drawing
Note 3: before anyone says anything, theres nothing wrong with stickmen
Actually, you can
15.04.06 17:41 Post #7 | [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Single Send PM Posts: 4158
Threads: 322 Money: £1844.11 (D) User Tax: -99% (+ Friend) 
Note: might be able to see with ultra-compact inverted design
Spoiler (Click to Expand)
Type: Ally
Name: Stickman 3000
HP: 100%, regenerates when in stealth
Moves: he has masters art in chinnese kung-fu, ju-jitsu and taekwondoe
Defense: can move in and out of stealth in all areas using special skills learned from sacred monk techniques. Fast paced fighting the speed of lightning
Special Attack: super speed allowing him to preform punch / kick / backflip kicks in split seconds
Note 2: apologies for crappy drawing
Note 3: before anyone says anything, theres nothing wrong with stickmen
Looks l33t in ultra-compact (inverted)
Edit: I just had to spoiler that.
15.04.06 23:55 Post #8 | Last edited: 15.04.06 23:56 (TheAbdBoy - 2 times) |
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Strange Send PM
 Posts: 2033
Threads: 147 Mood: Paranoid Money: £3733.51 (D) Inc. Tax: 10% (+ Friend) 
Copy of Doom3 kthxbia.
Nope. Never played the game in my life.
16.04.06 00:28 Post #9 | [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts: 411
Threads: 15 Money: £120.71 (D) (+ Friend) 
Type: Ally
Name: Orcamungo
HP: 110%
Moves: Besides his standard Claw-Slash he got a hard Claw-Slash, sometimes he uses his stab-an-enemy-then-beat-him-with-the-staff-move in closecombat, for farcombat he the throws a ball of energy (yes i copyed that form WC3)
Defense: he blocks attacks with is staff
Special Attack he grabs his staff with two hands an uses it like a niner iron in golf, but he hits enemys instead of balls, ok maybe he hits the enemys balls...
Special Abilitys healing, blood rush
26.04.06 19:25 Post #10 | [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Looking For Status Send PM Posts: 0
Threads: 0 Money: £0.18 (D) (+ Friend) 
Oooh nice drawing
26.04.06 20:28 Post #11 | [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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