
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » BoomShopper

Hi, i just had the idea for a new gametype.
•The only rule ist afr
•unlimmited nade and zook, both weaker than normal
•The other weapons hafe a 2-5 round delay, only few or 1 of each
•and you have to activate this "move doesn't end after attack" or something thingie

I created the scheme

played a coulple of times, and it's realy fun, but one pint is realy anoying - you can't retreat, because this "move doesn't end after attack", overwrites all time settings, and it would be way more cool to have time to retreat after throwing 20 nades...

give me your email if you want that scheme...
11.04.06 20:46
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Why don't you upload the scheme here and add the gametype to the rest here.


11.04.06 21:58
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hey RunT u see the picture of the godfather u got have u completed game:mrgreen:
11.04.06 22:39
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Wrong topic to post that Pop. Anyway yes I have.


11.04.06 23:18
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for uploading it i would have find out my account data...
well, but, do you know how to change the timesetting eventhough this special 10 seconds turn is on?
12.04.06 11:04
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Quoted :: yeah

for uploading it i would have find out my account data...
well, but, do you know how to change the timesetting eventhough this special 10 seconds turn is on?

Not possible. And if it was possible go extend the time, then who ever goes first wins basically. Rope+nade/zook+mash enter.

12.04.06 15:11
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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it is possible, its just that its all in the Mission Editor that comes (or should) with WWP
so.. yeah, edit your crap in the mission builder
12.04.06 16:13
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However, when playing mission over LAN/internet there is a bug my brother and I found.

If you join a game with a mission, then the host changes the selected mission, the players will not see this mission change and will load that first mission and the host will load the intended mission. THis causes desyncronisation.

The fix for this is to join after the mission is selected.

12.04.06 19:08
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]

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