
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » NEW WWP GAME DONKEYFLY

[]Unvalidated EmailBenanaman
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I have invented a new wwp game, donkeyfly. The rules are pretty simple, though a little more confusing than a regular fly match.

Play on a normal fly map, but instead of killing eachother with weapons, the 1st person must do a fly starting from WHEREVER HE CHOOSES TO FLY FROM (or multiple stylish fly's) if he successfully lands and then completes his fly with a SKIP, the players after him must COPY from the same starting point, and skip when they complete also. If they do not land the fly before the clock runs out, or they do not skip at the end of a successful flyrun, they are penalised with the letter D. Each time a player fails to successfully copy, they are penalised with a letter. D...O...N...K...E...Y. If you spell Donkey, you surrender and watch the rest of the match. If a worm dies, that counts as a letter. Players may mirror image the jump if they start on the opposite side. Multiple Flys can be strung together to lay down more difficult challenges. You don't have to fly over the regular object in the middle to lay a challenge, if you want you can do a mexi off the edge, tie your entire rope up around an object, get creative!

If the 1st player does not succeed in laying down a challenge and stuffs up, he does not lose a letter but forfeits his right to lay down the challenge. The player following him is free to lay down their own challenge, starting his fly from wherever he chooses and the others must follow HIM, and so on, and so forth, until all players are DONKEY.

It's a lot of fun to play, and eliminates ABL and KTL which I find tend to take away your ability to gauge if youre a good player. You can only win a donkey match if youre a better flyer than the others. ENJOY AND SPREAD THE WORD! You heard it here first... DONKEYFLY by Benanaman
23.03.06 20:24
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It sounds like it would be alot of fun, dont forget to place it in the Gametypes section of the site.
24.03.06 02:58
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It's like HORSE fly... Sounds good.



24.03.06 11:53
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