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Well as u see the rent is 38 for when u first go into the house and 38 every month after that. Also we have the best things there. Also i have made a deal with ppl who want to sign up. For the winners of the lotto that sign up at the forums will get it split with the others that signed up! Making everyone rich!
13.08.03 20:24
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[]The Pope
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but what if the number doesn't divide evenly? HORROR!

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15.08.03 12:33
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the owner gets left overs. As in u since ur the only other person who signed PPL AT MY HOUSE SIGN UP FOR THE SPLIT THE CASH FUND!
15.08.03 16:11
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[]The Pope
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stop being greedy! Actually C1, they might not care about the House Boards, so don't read them. Please put stars next to newly posted message threads.

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15.08.03 16:34
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o ya. Well pope im gunna be the person probably spliting it. I have enough moeny that i can spend it on tickets. And soon i shall rule the world muahahaha
15.08.03 20:00
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[]The Pope
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i have loads too (although it's soon to be -200 lol), I will buy 10 tickets each week.

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16.08.03 12:02
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yo c1 can i join your house

22.10.03 17:41
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Wooden Hat
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Look who's back!
Get ready for some spam (or not)!

I'm buying 10 tickets every week, and I haven't won a pence on it. lol.

An image!
22.10.03 17:54
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I never buy tickets. Money is useless anyway.
22.10.03 17:56
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[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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lol you two, this thread is 2+ months old, and psymon, u should use private messages for that
22.10.03 19:04
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he did. And it was useful for houses and it was for pets ,etc but seeing as no fricken admin will listen to anything i say :x i ask for ppl with over 100 pounts to get 20% of there money to be taken off so everyone has lower money but no one listens. I say get shops, etc and no one listens. Pff.
22.10.03 20:07
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no ure wrong everyone listens then sez "if ure so bloody desperaqte, u do it" then they tell you about other just as important things
23.10.03 10:13
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c1, can u plz change ur avatar, it gets u and optis confused
23.10.03 11:23
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[]The Pope
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yeah, true. nice avatar, but i've seen it from somewhere b4.
probably off one of ur sites...

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23.10.03 14:23
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hmm ill take off sum other time perhaps...but atm no.
23.10.03 23:21
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