
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » WWP Screen Resolution

WWP Screen Resolution only gose up to 1024x768, but my monitor is 1280x1024, is there any program or something so i can play it in 1280x1024 Resolution???:roll:
22.02.06 05:49
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Orangie Orgy
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no, get Worms Armageddon and you can have resolutions up to 1600x1400
22.02.06 09:54
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

no, get Worms Armageddon and you can have resolutions up to 1600x1400

Yes. Do exactly that. I highly recomend it. It costs a mere £5, if not less.

22.02.06 20:39
Post #3
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
lol i got W:A, just wanted to try out WWP, but i can't play it in that res, nvm then:(
23.02.06 13:33
Post #4

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