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Runt, your sig is hidden by members that dont even go here anymore.. like Falkra, or Sonicrazy, they havnt been on for more than a year. My sig i can understand, it stands out but it has to be said.
23.02.06 02:45
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I hid Kyle's sig and Adblocked his avatar because it makes Firefox cry.

23.02.06 05:41
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whats wrong with my avatar?

and I took off the picture in my sig.
23.02.06 06:10
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The only thing I don't like about Kyle's sig is his pre-sig about the thread I am viewing.
Pointless-ness if you ask me


25.02.06 03:37
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same here. im just glad he doesn't post often enough for me to care to hide it.
25.02.06 08:50
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I have un-hidden TheABDBoy's sig because the second image no longer works.
25.02.06 19:05
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Adblocked "" in []Glenn's signature

read it enough times and it takes up a lot of space

or maybe i'm being random here... not sure.
04.03.06 01:01
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I also severly hate Kyles presig, and have blocked it now.



04.03.06 10:10
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

I haven't blocked anyones sigs... but those userbars are annoying... I don't mind xfire, but that's it!

An image!
04.03.06 13:19
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Whoa! You're back! You're from before I was here, aren't you?
04.03.06 17:23
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Oh yes, There will be blood.

8O Is he talking to me?

An image!
05.03.06 05:10
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Quoted :: xxxtra1x1x

8O Is he talking to me?

If he is, ignore him :P


05.03.06 16:15
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I have hidden Zippy's sig due to the god-awful background colour. It makes the text barely readable.

06.03.06 21:44
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Me too. I care for my eyes.
07.03.06 06:01
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I hid RunT's sig because I wanted to post here:P
08.03.06 11:54
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