
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » Alas! My maps seem to have disappeared!

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So some time in the middle of last year I finally finished my roperace map pack of 330 or so maps. The file size was too large to upload myself, so I emailed bloopy and he did it. I then stopped playing worms out of mapmaking exhaustion.

I came back today and was told my maps were fantastic and that they are not on this site any more. Upon checking I found that they have indeed vanished. This makes me a very sad panda :(.

So, what happened? Do maps just get wiped from the site after a while? Was it haxxored by giant alien space mutant flying-monkey-dog-pies? Does the universe just hate me?

Considering noone may ever see my 330 or so maps again which I worked my mouse and keyboard to the bone making (actually about 300 were really crap, but the rest I actually put effort into making and as such were awesome) I rather distressed. Or I suppose I can just email bloopy again, but I still want to know what happened.
13.02.06 02:58
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Zogger (the owner) was playing with BTP and he lost everything because he is very irresponisble.

And it's very possible that it could have been:

Quoted :: Fluffy

Was it haxxored by giant alien space mutant flying-monkey-dog-pies?

13.02.06 04:00
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There's a new map pack on BTP, which contains a rather large part(if not all) of maps that were submitted on BTP and many other worms sites. You should check, maybe your maps are in there aswell (that'd help with sorting the maps in it, it's freakin huge)
13.02.06 15:39
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13.02.06 21:43
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It is indeed, happy downloading only if you have a slow connection of course


13.02.06 22:06
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Yeah, if you do have a slow connection, I recommend getting a download manager so you can download parts of it at a time. Or maybe someone could torrent it, we just need some seeds.

14.02.06 00:01
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Thanks everyone! I've just sent bloopy the map packs. I also uploaded a few coloured maps individually, I'll get around to the rest later.

I downloaded that gigantic file, but it doesn't seem to have my maps.
14.02.06 16:07
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Zogger (the owner) was playing with BTP and he lost everything because he is very irresponisble.

Even the smartest (being the admins) can make mistakes too.

14.02.06 21:18
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Im happy i have downloaded my favorite files before it al dissapeared.:D:cry:
19.02.06 16:59
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