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Next issue out.

05.03.06 05:41
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*reads issue*

o rly? And is the person Aku is marrying is...? :lol:

05.03.06 05:59
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Be sure to read my column!



05.03.06 07:23
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Aww, I bought the ABDBoy edition of Issue 1 and it 404'ed me :(


05.03.06 16:18
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Quoted :: RunT

Aww, I bought the ABDBoy edition of Issue 1 and it 404'ed me :(

05.03.06 23:07
Post #20
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Orangie Orgy
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I got DB access! ima change the link, ill PM link of new blamer URL once I can get a hold of it
05.03.06 23:23
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

I got DB access! ima change the link, ill PM link of new blamer URL once I can get a hold of it

I told you, you had it all along :P
06.03.06 21:17
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Orangie Orgy
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not phpmyadmin,
i still dunno what you've been talking about...
06.03.06 22:11
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Issue #4?! no wai

19.03.06 06:13
Post #24
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Check mail Hershey, rant in, add it.



19.03.06 07:34
Post #25
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hey AbdBoy, your newspaper is great! I love the idea of the press.
anyway, I am a Journalism student! I was wondering if I could get a column in the blamer. I promise that I will be responsible for the column and it will be written with greatness(A in Jornalism class all year).

My column could be about video game reviews and news because we all know we all play games here.
19.03.06 16:10
Post #26
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fu Atomic. I'm not adding articals in after the Blamer is released.

Skate: Sure, why not?

Edit: And the Sunday Blamer wasn't my idea. So don't give me credit for thinking it up, because I didn't.

19.03.06 18:03
Post #27
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Skate: Sure, why not?

Edit: And the Sunday Blamer wasn't my idea. So don't give me credit for thinking it up, because I didn't.

i new that, i just meant this edition was great, sorry bout that

Ill have a new article soon, within the next few days
19.03.06 18:31
Post #28
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Well I only need it by at least Saturday 11:59 GMT. ;o

19.03.06 22:34
Post #29
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

fu Atomic. I'm not adding articals in after the Blamer is released.

Are you sure it's not because the topic of the rant was "rap?"

Fine, next week then... I'll right another one.



21.03.06 05:00
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