
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms World Party Discussion » Could someone do me a favor

Perfect (everything a girl wants :D)
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i'm to lazy to install wwp and sit there and do it so could someone who has a bit of spare time get me a capture of all the pages of the wormopedia?

If you smacked a kid in the face with a bottle of johnson's no more tears shampoo, wouldn't it create beautiful irony
download the maps i collected, in the Megamap pack :D
06.02.06 02:36
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If this is WWP related, why is it in the W:A forum?


06.02.06 03:27
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Perfect (everything a girl wants :D)
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whoopsie lol, um this is why.....:
1. wa has a w like wwp
2. they are both worms games
3. cause um :? i dunno :evil:

If you smacked a kid in the face with a bottle of johnson's no more tears shampoo, wouldn't it create beautiful irony
download the maps i collected, in the Megamap pack :D
06.02.06 03:41
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